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Developed and Facilitated by: Jan Dwyer Bang, MBA, CSP Train the Trainer: Transforming Your Training to Increase Audience Engagement!

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Presentation on theme: "Developed and Facilitated by: Jan Dwyer Bang, MBA, CSP Train the Trainer: Transforming Your Training to Increase Audience Engagement!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Developed and Facilitated by: Jan Dwyer Bang, MBA, CSP Train the Trainer: Transforming Your Training to Increase Audience Engagement!

3 After attending this session, you will be able to: Enhance the effectiveness of your training – before, during, and after a session Discover how to increase participation and audience engagement Improve your training delivery techniques

4 After attending this session, you will be able to: Target your training program to the unique needs of your audience (“right-size”) Discover what to do when things go wrong Identify specific actions you can take to increase the effectiveness of your training delivery

5 #1 Thing you would like to learn from this class: How to recover when things go wrong How to present and keep people engaged How to deliver great training with limited prep time Strategies to make the information stick Ways to elicit question and discussion

6 Erosion & Sediment Stormwater treatment Interns






12 Introducing Lily Erika Johnson

13 This class will not be boring!


15 Thank you to… Virginia Stone, (Environmental Training and Permitting Coordinator)

16 Thank you to… 1.Tony Bush 2.Susan Cierebeiej 3.Eric Wolin For talking with me on the phone

17 Thank you to… 1.Virginia Stone 2.Scott Williams 3.Susan Cierebiej 4.Jennie Husby 5.Erin Gardner 6.Eric Wolin 7.Tony Bush 8.Marisol Novak 9.Tim Hall 10.Tatiana Dreisbach 11.Doug Littauer 12.Mark Bakeman 13.Elizabeth Lanzer 14.Chris Gustafson For filling out the survey

18 Survey Responses: What training topics do you typically present? Permitting updates Archeology, tribal relations Fish Passage Evaluations Compliance Inspections How to map stormwater features Wetland Science GIS software, Wildlife identification








26 Resources Resources in your Participant Materials Share your ideas on the Flipcharts! Ask a question on the index card! SharePoint Environmental Training site Skillsoft Matt Cronk & Virginia Stone (WSDOT)

27 30 Seconds Introduction 1.Name 2.Job function – what does the state pay you to do? 3.One challenge in training 4.One thing others don’t know about you

28 Thank you Eric Wolin Virginia Stone Jeff Dreier Tony Bush For agreeing to present today!

29 Flow of the Presentations Order of presentations/Filmed on camera or on phone) Everyone - Be sure to evaluate speaker using feedback form Timer –(3 min-green; 4 min-yellow; 5 min-red – STOP) –(6 min-green; 7 min-yellow; 71/2 min-red-STOP) (Virginia and Eric) Feedback session timed for 3 minutes –Facilitator to ask presenter “What did you do well?” Facilitator to ask the class, “What did the presenter do well?” –Facilitator to ask presenter “What is one thing you would like to work on?” –Facilitator to ask the class, “Would anyone would like to share 1 thing the presenter could improve upon?” Next person to present

30 TrainingFacilitatingPresenting Helping people acquire the skills, knowledge, and competency for behavior change Drawing out from the group and helping the group to work more effectively and build agreements (The facilitator is typically a neutral party) Face-to-face speaking intended to inform, influence, or entertain

31 Challenges Tendency to digress, lose train of thought Fear of freezing, not thinking quickly on feet Using extraneous words (um) Keeping people awake and focused

32 Challenges Sharing the required information but not simply lecturing Finding the time to prepare Having the audience respect you Responding to people with questions based on negative assumptions Remote training/on-line training

33 Other Challenges  Finding the right balance - providing the information participants need vs. overloading them  Getting people to see training as a worthwhile use of their time  The cost-benefit ratio of training activities (that increase involvement but lengthen training)  Subjects are super boring to most folks

34 Other Challenges  Finding the time to customize the training to a specific region's needs  Response from students that don't like or don't see the value in the environmental requirements  How to ask strategic questions that will create more deeper learning  Training people who know more than the trainer!  Dealing with Q&A sessions  How to effectively "co-train" with another presenter

35 Additional Challenges  Nervousness  Not tailoring the training to the audience  Learning outcomes unclear  Lack of preparation  Not creating logical flow of the training

36 Ease and Confidence Ease  Good trainers make it “look easy”  When we are comfortable, our audiences are comfortable  When we are relaxed, we can actually “have fun” conducting training sessions!

37 Why Confident? Confidence Self Assurance Trust or reliance A trusting relationship  We lose credibility as speakers when we are not confident  Confidence breeds credibility breeds an attentive audience that breeds in us, more confidence!  If you don’t feel confident, act confident. Feelings will follow.

38 Confidence Smile Relaxed demeanor Good posture Eye Contact

39 How to Build Confidence Know your subject! Organize your thoughts Keep the message simple (KISS principle) Know your audience Practice Dress for success Focus on the outcome Get feedback Say a prayer/meditate Schedule time to prepare Reinforce key concepts throughout the training Follow up

40 PRE Training Preparation and Organization Tailoring the training to the audience Creating a logical flow in your training Developing a training outline Creating customized training activities Organizing Tips Pages 6-16 in your Participant Materials (Plus information in Appendices)

41 Preparation Basics Time limit Who is the audience? What does the audience already know? What do they want to know? Goal of your presentation What can I realistically cover within the time limit? What is the material I MUST include? What material can I cut or shorten? “A well-designed speech is like a fishing pole, each section can stand on its own”

42 Your Initial Research WHY? (Why is this talk important and why am I doing it?) WHO? (The right speech to the “wrong” audience” is the wrong speech) –Level of people in audience –Technical people in audience? –Decision makers present? WHERE? (size of the room, lighting, table and chair set up) WHAT? (What am I trying to achieve in this talk?) –From Ed Scannell, Center for Professional Development and Training and Larry Lottier, Dana Corporation

43 Right Sizing The process of designing and delivering your training to meet the needs of the audience Include on the information that is relevant to them

44 Burning Question Am I including this information (story, example, visual aid, etc) for ME or for THEM?

45 PRE-Training Application How would you “right-size” your training presentation? What questions would you ask the audience or meeting planner? What are essential topics would you cover? What are some ways you can create training activities that are customized to your audience?

46 Developing Your Outline Always start with your objective. What is the purpose of your talk?  To persuade  To give information  To sell  To inspire  Get the audience to act

47 DURING Training Make it about them - not about you Make it relevant and interesting Review key concepts throughout the training Engage your audience Seek feedback throughout your training Ask stimulating questions that provoke discussion Pages 17-26 in your Participant Materials

48 Capitalize on YOUR Style Pete Carroll –Seahawks vs. Packers Post-Game Speech (September 2012) Ross Shafer – Stop Complaining – never Surrender (Nov 2013) U U

49 You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort and money into training, grooming, and encouraging your greatest asset. -Tom Hopkins (America’s #1 Sales Trainer)

50 SPEAK EASY  S = Stabilize your Fear  P = Prepare and Organize  E = Energize Yourself and your Audience

51 SPEAK EASY  A = Accept Opportunities  K = Know your Audience  E = Establish Rapport

52 SPEAK EASY  A = Acknowledge their viewpoint  S = Show that you care  Y = Yearn for Growth

53 S tabilize your FEAR  Preparation  Practice  Successful experience  Positive Self-Dialogue  Visualizing

54 P repare and Organize your Training Right Size Training Create logical flow to the material Create customized activities

55 E nergize Yourself and Your Audience “You can say nine out of ten things correctly and still fail if you lack enthusiasm.” -Sony Harris, President of Window Man, Durham, North Carolina Use Vocal Variety Use Gestures Keep it moving Avoid redundancy Use humorous openings or other attention getting statements

56 A ccept Opportunities Toastmasters 1-800-9-WESPEAK Opportunities at work Clubs and community groups Religious organizations PTA Others?

57 K now Your Audience Why are they there? What do they expect? What do they want or need? Other questions: –How many people in audience? –Demographic break down –What are their occupations? –How much does audience know about topic?

58 E stablish Rapport “A good speech is a one on one conversation with each audience member.” -Ralph Archbold

59 Acknowledge Their Viewpoint What to when you are interacting with a hostile audience or when the audience has a different viewpoint than yours: –Use “I” statements rather than “you” statements –Use factual descriptions instead of judgments –Seek first to understand, then to be understood –You are always on stage!

60 S how that you Care “Arrogance is God’s gift to shallow people.” - Dennis Waitley

61 Y earn for Growth Your communication and public speaking skills grows out of you and your experience! What you say reflects what you believe. Yearning for growth is a life long process.

62 Delivery Skills Body Language Eye Contact Vocal inflection Words

63 Ice Breakers & Training Activities Purpose: Allows the audience to:  See that you have “right-sized” the training to them  Start building relationships with each other.  Start building relationships with you as the trainer.  Buy-in to the training.  Get interested in the topic  Experience their learning in an experiential and memorable way  Increase their receptivity to the training.

64 Ice Breakers & Training Activities Principles:  Design the activity with a specific purpose or goal.  Provide clear instructions.  Align the activity to the topic.  Debrief the activity (if appropriate).  Refer back to the training activity to highlight key learning’s.

65 Using Visual Aids People remember 10% of what they hear and 25% of what they see and 65% of what they hear and see together!

66 Using Visual Aids Slides - Keep it simple/large font Flip Chart –Don’t write in the bottom of the chart/pencil key points/alternate colors/mark key pages White Board – don’t use any pens except white board pens!

67 Audience Involvement Why do we want to get our audience involved? How do we get our audience involved?

68 Audience Involvement  Today’s adult audiences expect a lot from a presenter  Today’s generation is not excited about listening to lectures  Audiences learn better and remember more when they are involved in your presentation

69 Additional Ways to Involve your Audience Great learning happens through questions — in the asking, not the telling. -Jim Forte

70 Tips in Using Humor Use appropriate humor Use humor that you are comfortable with Integrate the humor into the presentation Anchor your humor in the concrete world of familiar things Skip the jokes, tell funny stories instead Personalize your funny stories Article by John Morreall, “Technical Skills Training” May/June 1995

71 Asking Good Questions by Jim Forte Ask open-ended questions Use questions to see if people are getting the material Ask reflective questions Ask questions to assess how likely people will apply the material Make sure to allow “space” for people to answer!

72 Handling Questions Select your preference for handling questions (Do you prefer people to ask them throughout the presentation or only during the end?) Anticipate questions as you plan your talk (So you can eliminate the need for questions by answering them in your talk! Also helps you be prepared for answering the questions during the Q&A session) Take control (Don’t let the audience take you on a tangent) Be honest if you don’t know the answer Handle objections

73 Q&A Session – Can Make or break You! –Encourage the audience to ask the questions –Repeat the question –Listen carefully –Look at the questioner while rephrasing the question but look at the audience while answering –Call on experts in the audience but take control after they have responded –Set a time limit to control hostile questioners –Answer briefly but succinctly –End the Q&A period with a closing remark From “Speaking Your Way to the Top” by Marjorie Brody

74 POST Training Create an evaluation form Consider ways to help people take action on the training Offer ways for participants to network with each other after the training Solicit testimonials Act on the feedback Pages 27-28 in your participant materials

75 Action Planning

76 After attending this session, you will be able to: Enhance the effectiveness of your training – before, during, and after a session Discover how to increase participation and audience engagement Improve your training delivery techniques

77 After attending this session, you will be able to: Target your training program to the unique needs of your audience (“right-size”) Discover what to do when things go wrong Identify specific actions you can take to increase the effectiveness of your training delivery

78 #1 Thing you would like to learn from this class: How to recover when things go wrong How to present and keep people engaged How to deliver great training with limited prep time Strategies to make the information stick Ways to elicit question and discussion

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