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Constitutional Convention pp. 142-148. The Call to Philadelphia  MAIN IDEA  Delegates from the colonies met in Philadelphia in 1787 to strengthen the.

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Presentation on theme: "Constitutional Convention pp. 142-148. The Call to Philadelphia  MAIN IDEA  Delegates from the colonies met in Philadelphia in 1787 to strengthen the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constitutional Convention pp. 142-148

2 The Call to Philadelphia  MAIN IDEA  Delegates from the colonies met in Philadelphia in 1787 to strengthen the government.  SUPPORTING DETAILS  Hard to get there  Met at place called Independence Hall  Washington demanded secrecy  Franklin oldest delegate  Jefferson, Adams, Henry not there

3 Federal Power vs. States’ Rights  MAIN IDEA  There was tension about the relationships among states and the relationship between the states and federal government.  SUPPORTING DETAILS  Decided to throw out Articles and start over  Madison called “father of the Constitution”  Madison and Randolph wanted strong government  VA Plan: bicameral legislature based on population  NJ Plan: unicameral legislature, one vote per state

4 Compromise at the Convention  MAIN IDEA  Many compromises were needed to balance everyone’s interests.  SUPPORTING DETAILS  Great Compromise (CT Plan): bicameral, one house with 2 per state, one house based on population  3/5 compromise on counting slaves  Tariff debates  Slave trade compromise: allowed to end of 1807  Sept 17, 1787--signed

5 Federalists and Antifederalists  MAIN IDEA  Federalists supported the Constitution and a strong central government, but Antifederalists were afraid of giving government too much power.  SUPPORTING DETAILS  9 of 13 states had to ratify Constitution to make it official  Antifederalists thought convention delegates went too far  Feared threat to states’ rights  Did not like electoral college idea  Federalists published Federalist Papers to get people to support Constitution.

6 The Ratification Struggle  MAIN IDEA  Many states would not ratify the Constitution without a Bill of Rights added.  SUPPORTING DETAILS  US Constitution did not protect individuals’ rights  Demand for Bill of Rights  Patrick Henry against the Constitution  Big battles in VA and NY  Rhode Island last state to ratify, very resistant

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