Line Up!  Line up in the front of the classroom from oldest to youngest without talking  Oldest will be on far left  Youngest will be on far right.

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Presentation on theme: "Line Up!  Line up in the front of the classroom from oldest to youngest without talking  Oldest will be on far left  Youngest will be on far right."— Presentation transcript:

1 Line Up!  Line up in the front of the classroom from oldest to youngest without talking  Oldest will be on far left  Youngest will be on far right

2 Let’s Compare  With your partner, read the following passage  Once finished, compare this story to different immigrants that we have learned about by completing the Venn Diagram  In about eight minutes we will reconvene as a class to discuss your findings.

3 Why are there differences?  This immigrant moved because of different reasons  Fearful of life  Felt like she had no choice  Because of these reasons, she is known as a refugee  Refugees make up a large amount of immigrants  United States and Worldwide  African immigration is characterized by refugees


5 What are refugees?  A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war, or violence.  A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group.  What are some examples of refugee movements?

6 Example of a Refugee Movement

7 Internally Displaced Persons (IDP)  An internally displaced person (IDP) is a person who has been forced to flee his or her home for the same reason as a refugee, but remains in his or her own country and has not crossed an international border.  Unlike refugees, IDPs are not protected by international law or eligible to receive many types of aid.  What is an example of a group of internally displaced persons?

8 Example of a group of IDPs

9 With your partner…  Compare and contrast refugee and internally displaced persons on Y-Chart.  Then, we’ll share our ideas with the class

10 Why Focus on Africa?  Each arrow represents a refugee movement in Africa.  Where the line ends is where these refugees end up

11 Let’s Focus on North and South Sudan

12 Sudanese Refugees – (Camp in Chad)

13 Let’s Take a Look  View the three videos and keep the following questions in mind:  What struggles do these refugees face in these refugee camps?  What do you think will happen to the refugees or IDPs in the videos?  What can we do as a community to help refugees?

14 Video One 

15 Video Two 

16 Video Three 

17 Let’s Talk About the Videos  How did you feel about Sudanese refugees before the video? How do you feel now?  What struggles do these refugees face in these refugee camps?  Why would some displaced persons not want to leave their home country?  How has the world responded, or not responded to the situation in Darfur?  What do you think will happen to the refugees or IDPs in the videos?

18 Where do Refugees and IDPs go?

19 Asylum  asylum/asylum asylum/asylum

20 U.S.A. Refugee Policy

21 What about Harrisonburg?

22 What resources exist in Harrisonburg that helps refugees?  Skyline Literacy  Career Development Academy at JMU  Mahatma Gandhi Center for Global Nonviolence  First Steps  Boys & Girls Club  United Way  Mercy House  Our Community Place  New Bridges Immigrant Resource Center  Harrisonburg Refugee Resettlement Office  Church World Service

23 Local resources in Harrisonburg – Refugee Resettlement Office 

24 Let’s Think…  Discuss with your partner the following questions:  What do we like about the program?  What do we dislike about the program?  What else can we do to help refugees?

25 Mini-Investigation  Lets investigate organizations that help refugees.  Specifically:  Find one organization that helps refugees. If you have time, you may find another organization.  Answer the following questions: How does this organization help refugees? How can you or your friends get involved? (Ex: Do they have a local office?)  Be prepared to share your findings with the class!

26 Let’s Share What We Found!

27 One Last Think-Pair-Share  What else can the community do to help refugees?

28 For Homework…  Write down a list of at least five questions that you would want to ask a refugee for our immigration panel.  Turn in these questions next class.

29 Before you go…  Complete two Frayer Model worksheets.  One on refugees.  One on internally displaced persons.  Turn in these Frayer Model worksheets to the teacher before you leave.

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