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The Americas Early History.

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Presentation on theme: "The Americas Early History."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Americas Early History

2 North America Land Bridge Theory
People came from Asia across the Bering Strait



5 Early Civilizations - Desert West
Hohokam Western North America Built adobe houses Used irrigation to farm in the desert


7 Anasazi Developed the pueblo Also irrigated


9 Eastern Woodlands Hopewell Ohio Region Known for burial mounds
Highly organized Extensive trade network

10 Mississippian Created large cities Cahokia – 20,000 Math/engineering
Complex society clear social classes


12 Northern - Inuit

13 Northeastern - Iroquois
Agricultural Based Maize Iroquois League

14 Midwest – Plains River based agriculture Until…
Horses arrive with Europeans Nomadic “herd followers”

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