FUTURE OF NBDC NATIONAL PLATFORM Belay Demissie, National Consultant, NBDC October, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "FUTURE OF NBDC NATIONAL PLATFORM Belay Demissie, National Consultant, NBDC October, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 FUTURE OF NBDC NATIONAL PLATFORM Belay Demissie, National Consultant, NBDC October, 2013

2 CURRENT REALITY - The National platform was initiated by the NBDC, which also supports the platform (financially and through secretariat) - NBDC ends in Dec 2013 - No sustainable institutional system established - Ownership not yet defined, but having the forum as a way to link research/good practices more effectively to policy (and vice versa) is appreciated by all

3 OPTIONS FOR CONTINUITY 1. CGIAR system led process 2. Align/integrate with existing national coordination mechanisms 3. Think tank 4. Professional Associations

4 Practical Option OptionsProsCons 1. CGIAR system led process -CGIAR expected to take a lead role in R4D in Ethiopia in the coming decade(s) -CG strong in research; broad network -MSPs not core business of CG; remains hard to sell within CG -Difficult as research institutes to get funding for this, when not owned by national government -No direct mechanism to change policy 2. Think tank-Independent -Low cost -No interest group emerged yet -No direct mechanism to change policy 3. Professional Associations -Independent -Low cost -No financial resources -No direct mechanism to influence policy 4. Align/integrate in existing nat. coordination mechanisms -Coordination mechanisms in place -GO system becoming more open for other org.(including CG) -Direct linkage with policy -Needs buy in and support from relevant ministries

5 Existing Coordination Mechanisms RED/FS: - Led by MOFED + MOA - Government, donor, NGO, private sector etc - More on resource mobilization, strategic frame work development, policy and institutions - Project implementation support, M&E ADPLAC :-Agricultural development partners’ linkage advisory council (ADPLAC): Led by MOA + EIAR - More technical level - Researchers, extensions, farmers, private, NGOs

6 RED/FS Coordination Mechanisms RED/FS National Platform National steering committee Three TC: - AGP TC - SLM TC - DRMFSS - Appropriate place for National Platform (on Land and Water Management) coordination: SLM TC- with its 5 taskforces

7 SLM TC Five task forces - Small scale irrigation - Best practice task force - Capacity building - Climate change - Land administration/land use Note: Inter-task force collaboration is a must for a sustainable NRM sector development !!!

8 National Platform Meeting Organization Can be organize every six months One of the TC could set an agenda for discussion and call a meeting Task forces play a critical role in proposing the agenda items and organizing the platform Projects/programs (including e.g. GGIAR research program) contribute resources to organize different meetings including the platform meeting, technical support, share experiences etc.

9 Good Experience 1: Small Scale Irrigation Task force – IWMI’s Engagement IWMI- Member and secretariat of the TF Initiate any agenda for discussion Present and share any field level findings for the different TFs SSI-TF: organized a regional workshop at Bahir Dar TFs: Possible to call for a national platform meeting through the SLM-TC for wider networking, advocacy, knowledge sharing to influence policy and institutions

10 Good Experience 2: FLoWS of RiPPLE  FLoWS (Forum for Learning on Water & Sanitation): - An interactive WaSH national learning platform  Participants: development practitioners, policy & decision makers, researchers, etc from governmental organizations, CSOs/NGOs, academic & research institutes, donor agencies, private sector etc  Aim to stimulate interest in learning, enhance uptake of action research findings etc.

11 Ownership  Ministry of Water & Energy (MoWE) under the Research & Development (R&D) … Directorate: Responsible to follow up implementation of policies, to carry out regular analysis, to identify policy gaps and to use evidence from regions, NGOs and donors for policy feedback ( this is a gap under the MOA- No responsible policy unit)  In close collaboration with technical and logistical Financial assistances of projects: - RiPPLE, Projects and other sector institution.  Have MoU signed

12 Conclusion Align with the existing national and regional coordination mechanisms under the MOA- NRM state minister and NRM directorate- IWMI already started the positive engagement. No need of signing MOU since the coordination mechanisms are in place under MOA Success factor: continues institutional and personal engagement and commitment from projects/programs & implementing institutions This way it is possible to influence policy, institution and practices using evidence- based approach

13 Thank You ….. Thank You !!

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