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Trade Unions Read the bullet points as you go through the Power Points. Can you write something about each? NO - Look at you class jotters. Click on a.

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Presentation on theme: "Trade Unions Read the bullet points as you go through the Power Points. Can you write something about each? NO - Look at you class jotters. Click on a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trade Unions Read the bullet points as you go through the Power Points. Can you write something about each? NO - Look at you class jotters. Click on a  symbol to see a video clip on the topic. Click on the  symbol to go to a web site. Make notes / write a few sentences / write figures about each topic in your revision notes from the video clips.

2 Remember to …. Open the Box for any KU question. You must add more to the topic in the question and write a story about it with examples.

3 Concepts Representation Participation Rights and Responsibilities a a  a 

4 What is a Trade Union? A group of workers who have joined together to improve their pay and conditions at work. The number of Trade Unions is down  The membership of Trade Unions is down  Why Trade Unions?  Unions and Labour 

5 Different Trade Unions GMB    EIS   T&G   UNISON  

6 Trade Union Aims Better Wages  Better Pensions  Better Safety  More Equality   Better Holidays 

7 Trade Union Rights To represent their members in TALKS about pay and conditions   To take industrial action, like A STRIKE  To RECRUIT new members  To SPEAK ON BEHALF of their members  To take industrial action, like A GO SLOW  To take industrial action, like a PICKET LINE To take industrial action, like a PICKET LINE 

8 Trade Union Responsibilities NO unfair or EXTREME DEMANDS   Stay within the law, hold A SECRET VOTE, be peaceful.  LISTEN to the union members views  Not to put pressure on a worker to join the union

9 Why Join a Trade Union? Better Wages  Better Pensions  Better Safety  More Equality   Power in a Union  Better Holidays 10 Reasons to join UNISON 

10 Reasons not to join a Trade Union? There are a growing number of self- employed people  Union Fees are to high. Some employers do not recognise Trade Unions You still get the benefits that a union fights for Well paid workers may not join a union

11 Trade Union Action Overtime Ban  Work-to-rule Go Slow  Strike   Encourage a Boycott 

12 Work of a Shop Steward Represent Members [FACTORY CLOSURE]  Solve Problems [BULLYING]  Attend Meetings with Management  Encourage union membership  Organise Union Meetings  Talk to the MEDIA  Talk to the GOVERNMENT 

13 What can a Union Member do? Pay fees  Attend Meetings  Vote to Elect Officials  Stand for Election   Support Decisions  What can I do? 

14 Grangemouth – A Case Study  4 Talks as strike ends  1 Refinery strike looms  2 Workers walk out  3 What motorists think 

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