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HISTORY OF ENGLISH Oral Presentation Rubric. TIPS Speak in a very natural voice, like you are telling a friend about something you know Try NOT to memorize.

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Presentation on theme: "HISTORY OF ENGLISH Oral Presentation Rubric. TIPS Speak in a very natural voice, like you are telling a friend about something you know Try NOT to memorize."— Presentation transcript:

1 HISTORY OF ENGLISH Oral Presentation Rubric

2 TIPS Speak in a very natural voice, like you are telling a friend about something you know Try NOT to memorize a “speech” DO NOT READ to the audience

3 TIPS Focus on your KEY POINTS and then discuss each one; be sure to include the bolded words/ideas from the article Speak SLOWLY so students can absorb your message (they will be taking notes)

4 TIPS Practice ahead of time to know what you plan to say On the back of your presentation panel, write: Bulleted list of points you want to discuss Key facts (dates, names, etc.)

5 4-ADVANCED (A) Uses a very natural, lively, commanding voice Maintains eye contact with entire audience Can be heard well by the whole audience Presents the material well (does not read it to the audience) Covers supplemental and relevant details Keeps an excellent pace (2 min.) Answers all audience questions asked

6 3-PROFICIENT (B) Uses a lively voice Mostly maintains eye contact with the audience Can be heard by the audience Presents the material (may need to refer to notes or the display) Covers key details (at a minimum, those details bolded in article) Keeps a good pace (1-1½ minutes) Answers most audience questions asked

7 2-BASIC (C) Voice is flat or monotone (bored) Tends to look down at notes, poster or floor Difficult to hear at times Reads most of the material Does not know the subject matter in places Covers irrelevant details; omits key details Presentation is short (<1 minute) Answers some questions incorrectly Laughs/giggles that detracts from message

8 MAKE SURE YOUR DISPLAY: Key points covered Relevant supplemental material Paraphrased (in your own words) Visual appeal (neat, inviting) Large, relevant graphics Space well used Keyboarded or written in ink Large TITLE

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