Lecture 2: AIRSIDE By: Zuliana Ismail PART 1. Learning Outcome Student is able to: Describe runway types and identifications. Describe taxiway types and.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 2: AIRSIDE By: Zuliana Ismail PART 1. Learning Outcome Student is able to: Describe runway types and identifications. Describe taxiway types and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 2: AIRSIDE By: Zuliana Ismail PART 1

2 Learning Outcome Student is able to: Describe runway types and identifications. Describe taxiway types and how to identify. Explain airport signs, airport lightings Describe about weather facilities. Explain main navigational aids system. 2

3 Definition AIRFIELD is an area where an aircraft can land and take off, which may or may not be equipped with any navigational aids or markings. Many grass strips are also designated as airfields.

4 Definition Airfield is called an AERODROME when it is equipped with air traffic control facility and runways equipped with navigational aids, markings and other required facilities.

5 Definition AIRSIDE is an area on the airport surface intended to be used for Aircraft Operations. AIRSIDE SERVICES Facilities associated with the movement of the airplanes on the airports surface.


7 Runway

8 1. Runways A defined rectangular area on a land aerodrome prepared for the landing and take-off of aircraft. 8

9 Runway Markings Non-Instrument Runway (NI) Non-Precision Runway (NP) Precision Runway (P)

10 Runway Markings Intended solely for aircraft operation using visual approach procedure Having an instrument approach procedure using air navigation facility with only horizontal guidance Having an instrument approach procedure using a precision instrument landing system, ILS or precision approach radar (PAR) which provides both horizontal and vertical guidance to the runway

11 Threshold Touchdown zone Aiming point Designators Precision Runway (P)

12 Runway Markings Runway Threshold: Helps identify the beginning of the runway that is available for landing. Runway Designators: Shows the magnetic heading Runway Centerline Marking: Provides alignment guidance during takeoff and landings. Runway Aiming Point Marking: Serves as a visual aiming point for a landing aircraft. Runway Touchdown Zone Markers: Identify the touchdown zone for landing operations 12

13 RWY Designators Identified by a two digit number according to their magnetic heading. The angle is measured from magnetic north and is divided by 10 and rounded to the nearest integer. Example: RWY with a magnetic heading of 340° is marked as RWY 34. Each runway can be used in either direction, and hence has two numbers, each 18 apart. Example: (34-18=16), so the other runway marked as RWY 16 13


15 RWY Designators Each digit is pronounced separately for clarity in radio communications. Example: Runway 36 is pronounced as Three Six. For two parallel RWYs, R for Right and L for Left are added to distinguish btw the RWS. For multiple runways each runway is identified by Left (L), Center (C) and Right (R). Example: 26L and 26R.

16 What is the airport with the most number of runways all over the world?

17 Dallas-Fort Worth Airport

18 Dallas-Fort Worth Airport: 7 Runways 1.Runway 17L/35R 2.Runway 17C/35C 3.Runway 17R/35L 4.Runway 18L/36R 5.Runway 18R/36L 6.Runway 13L/31R 7.Runway 13R/31L

19 O’Hare International Airport – Chicago, Illinois, United States

20 Munich Airport: Two Parallel Runways

21 Runways Length Runway lengths depend on the size of aircraft to operate and the weather conditions. The bigger the aircraft the longer the runway (take-off and landing distances) The hotter the weather the longer the runway 21

22 Runways Length For aircraft weights below approximately 90,718 kg, a runway length ~ 1,829 m Larger aircraft (Boeing 747, 767, 777, and 787; Airbus A300, A330, A340, A350, and A380; McDonnell Douglas DC-10 or MD-11; and the Lockheed L1011) will usually require runway length at least 2,438 m. 22

23 Runway Lighting Summary

24 Importance of Lighting Lighting systems from the cockpit window during bad weather. Poor visibility is mainly due to heavy snowfall Lighting systems are important for a/c landing during night time.

25 Runway Lighting 25 Lighting systems from the cockpit window Runway Edge Lighting: White Turn Yellow in last 610m Runway Center line Light System : White Alternate white and red in last 610 m Red in last 310m Why the lighting colour change?

26 Runway Pavements The surface sections of roads and runways are known as “pavements”. To serve its purpose, a pavement must have adequate load-carrying capability, good ride ability and must allow safe operation of aircraft.

27 Concrete PavementAsphalt Pavement Concrete surfaces from 23 to 40 cm (9 to 16 inches) thick. Can remain useful for 20 to 40 years. Commonly used at large airports. It is constructed by aligning a series of concrete slabs connected by joins, Asphalt surfaces are from 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 inches) thick. Can remain useful between 15 to 20 years. Commonly used at most smaller airports. Pavements are less expensive to construct.

28 Airport Classification Codes 28

29 Airport Classification Codes Based on AIRCRAFT (ARC-Aerodrome Reference Code) Based on AIRCRAFT (ARC-Aerodrome Reference Code) Type Of Runway Approach (NI,NP,P) Type Of Runway Approach (NI,NP,P) Based On Two Elements Example: 3C NP Type of approach Aerodrome reference code

30 Aerodrome Reference Code The aerodromes are coded according to the physical requirements of the critical aircraft The aerodrome facilities must meet physical requirements of the critical aircraft

31 Aerodrome Reference Code (ARC) ARC is determined by two factors: Code number (1,2..,4) to reflect aircraft operating performance in terms of balanced field length of runways Airplane reference field length (RFL) Code letter (A, B,..,F) to reflect the aircraft physical dimensions Wing span (WS) 31

32 Aerodrome Reference Code (ARC) Airplane reference Field Length (RFL): The minimum field length required for take-off at maximum certificated take-off mass. Wing Span (WS)= the maximum extent across the wings of an aircraft 32

33 Wing Span (WS)

34 Aerodrome Reference Code Code element 1Code element 2 Airplane reference field length (RFL) (2) Code number (1) Wing span (WS) (4) Code letter (3) RFL < 800 m 800 m ≤ RFL < 1200 m 1 200 m ≤ RFL < 1800 m 1 800 m ≤ RFL 12341234 WS < 15 m 15 m ≤ WS < 24 m 24 m ≤ WS < 36 m 36 m ≤ WS < 52 m 52 m ≤ WS < 65 m 65 ≤ WS < 80 m ABCDEFABCDEF 34

35 Exercise What is the airport classification codes for Boeing 747-400 & Airbus 380 landing at the Precision type Runway 35 Boeing 747-400 RFL=2990m WS=64.4m Airbus A380 RFL=>3300m WS=79.8m

36 36 NoNo Aircraft type Code Element 1 Code Element 2 Aerodro me Referenc e Code (ARC) RFL ( m) Code No. WS (m) Code letter 1.ATR 42-2001010 224.6C? 2.Fokker: 501760329.0C? 3.A 320-2002058433.9C? 4.A 340-3002200460.3E? Aerodrome Reference Code

37 37 AEROPLANE TYPE REF CODE ARFL (m) Wingspan (m) Lear Jet 553A129213.4 Fokker F28-20003B164623.6 Fokker:F27-5003C167029.0 Airbus A300 B23D167644.8 Boeing: B737-200 B737-300 B737-400 4C 2295 2749 2499 28.4 28.9 Boeing: B707-300 B757-200 B767-200ER 4D 3088 2057 2743 44.4 38.0 47.6 Boeing: B747-300 B747-400 B777-200 4E 3292 3383 2500 59.6 64.9 60.9

38 Taxiway 38

39 2. Taxiway Strip for aircrafts to move slowly (taxi) between the runway and apron, runway and runway & apron and apron. 39

40 Taxiway Generally, width smaller than runway Lightings for night flying Can be one or multiple in bigger airport. Taxiways should be provided to permit the safe surface movement of aircraft. Sufficient entrance and exit taxiways for a runway should be provided to make the movement of airplanes to and from the runway smooth and to provide more rapid exit taxiways when traffic volumes are high. 40

41 41 Taxiway Types

42 There are four types of taxiways: Parallel taxiways: aligned parallel next to runway Entrance taxiways: perpendicular to the runway & located near the departure end of runways. High-speed taxiways: to allow aircraft quickly free-up the runway. (Also known as Rapid Exit), located at various points along the runway to allow landing aircraft to efficiently exit the runway after landing. By-pass taxiways: located near apron, to allow aircraft by-pass other aircraft at aircraft parking area. 42

43 Also known as Rapid Exit runway. To provide exit paths from runway for arriving aircraft. The intersection angle less than 90deg. 43 High-speed taxiways

44 Taxiway Identification Taxiways can be identified through: Taxiway markings (centerline in yellow color, no azimuth) Taxiway signs (have location sign) Taxiway lightings (centerline light in green color, edge light in blue color) Taxiway size and pavement strength (width smaller than runway, pavement thickness less than runway) 44

45 Taxiway edge lights: blue Taxiway centre line: green Taxiway Lighting

46 Many airports are equipped with taxiway lighting to facilitate the movement of aircraft on the airfield at night or in poor visibility conditions. Taxiway lighting includes taxiway edge lights, taxiway centerlines lights.

47 Taxiway Markings Taxiway Centerline : single continuous yellow line. All taxiways should have centerline markings. Aircraft should be kept centered during taxi to guarantee wingtip clearance with other aircraft or other objects Taxiway Centerline

48 Taxiway Markings Surface Painted Signs: to assist pilot in confirming the designation of the taxiway (location or direction) Surface Painted Signs

49 49

50 RWY/TWY Markings

51 What The Importance of RWY/TWY Markings? To provide information that is useful to a pilot during takeoff, landing, and taxiing. To enhance safety and improve efficiency: Same airport markings for all airports make pilots became familiar.

52 APRON 52

53 3. APRON An area to accommodate aircraft for purposes of parking, loading or unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, or maintenance. 53

54 3. Apron Also known as RAMP Apron sizes depend on the aircrafts handled by the airport. The bigger the airport handling capacity the bigger the apron Fitted with underground refueling system Fitted with water supply system Fitted with sewer disposal system 54

55 Apron Designs 55

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