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Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 81 Punctuated-Equilibrium Model Time (Low) (High) First Meeting Phase 1 Phase 2 Transition Completion AB(A+B)/2 Performance.

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2 Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 81 Punctuated-Equilibrium Model Time (Low) (High) First Meeting Phase 1 Phase 2 Transition Completion AB(A+B)/2 Performance

3 Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 82 Performance Group Norms Appearance Resources

4 Development of Norms Organizational stories Bill Gates: An employee was leaving work at 8:00pm, Bill says “only working ½ a day?” Founders Values Nordstrom employee handbook Responses to significant organizational events Johnson & Johnson and Tylenol recalls

5 Purpose of Norms Identifies desired behaviors or attitudes Way of controlling behavior instead of explicit formal rules What happens when someone violates a norm? Deviant Pressures to get back in line Isolate Loss of influence

6 Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 85 Effects of Group Processes Potential Group Effectiveness Potential Group Effectiveness Group Effectiveness Group Effectiveness Process Losses Conformity Groupthink Social Loafing Process Losses Conformity Groupthink Social Loafing Process Gains Synergy Process Gains Synergy

7 Prentice Hall, 2001Chapter 86 Conformity to Group Norms XA B C vvv Studies by Solomon Asch vvv

8 Pressure to Conform Group pressures to conform Percentage conforming in the Asch study? What happened when people wrote down responses? Organizational implications? Methods of voting What percentage of people conformed in the Milgram study and shocked to the highest level?

9 Influencing the Majority Opinion Holders Persuasion techniques Be positive and tactful in tone Uncover the reasoning & logic behind positions Ask questions/challenge the assumptions & reasoning Do not argue from position Consider what type of evidence is most relevant to those you are trying to persuade Facts & figures Testimonials, personal experience

10 Social Loafing Tendency to exert LESS effort when working in a group than when working alone Why does this happen? Diffusion of responsibility If you see others working less hard or not contributing, people may attempt to reestablish equity by reducing work effort & productivity

11 Social Loafing Issues Methods to reduce its occurrence Make individual contributions identifiable Make the receipt of group-based rewards contingent upon individual contributions (GE info systems gainsharing plan) Social loafing tends to be a cultural phenomenon Individualism versus collectivism USA versus Japan

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