Safety in the Lab Emergency Evacuation Instructions Please make sure that all Bunsen burners are off and gas valves are turned closed. Once a person.

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2 Safety in the Lab

3 Emergency Evacuation Instructions Please make sure that all Bunsen burners are off and gas valves are turned closed. Once a person has walked out of the room turn left down the hallway Then turn left to go down the stairs Once on the second floor, approach the exit to the stadium Go down the stairs to the football field


5 Guess which students are following lab rules. Which rules are they breaking?

6 WRONG: Horseplay in the lab

7 WRONG: Pouring water into acid

8 WRONG: No Goggles No Apron

9 WRONG: Eating and drinking in the lab

10 WRONG: Carrying microscope with one hand Sandals in the lab

11 CORRECT: Holding microscope with both hands

12 WRONG: Handling broken glassware

13 WRONG: No goggles, Heating test tube toward you

14 CORRECT: Goggles, apron on, Heating test tube away from you

15 WRONG: Picking up beaker without using tongs; not wearing goggles

16 WRONG: Not assuming hot plate is hot!

17 CORRECT: Apron, goggles on Picking up beaker with tongs

18 WRONG: Long hair not tied back

19 WRONG: Smelling chemicals

20 RIGHT: Wafting chemicals

21 WRONG: WRONG: Horseplay in the lab

22 CORRECT: Apron, goggles on Holding beaker with tongs.

23 Locating safety equipment Go through the room with your partner and find each of these things listed. When you have found them in the classroom draw them accordingly on your classroom map  Lab shower  Eye wash  Fire Extinguisher  Fire blanket  Map of Emergency escape route

24 Types of Hazardous Chemicals Corrosive Flammable Toxic Reactive

25 Corrosive Corrosive to metals and injures body tissues Ex: Acids – Sulfuric Acetic, Phosphoric, Hydrochloric Bases – Sodium Hydroxide, Potassium hydroxide, Ammonia

26 Flammable Will burn Readily Ex: Acetic Acid, Solvents Acetone, Benzene, Ethanol Gases Propane, Acetylene

27 Toxic Poisonous Routes of entry Inhalation Ingestion Absorption Injection Chronic Effects Benzene = Leukemia

28 Toxic “Dose makes the poison” 1 aspirin = no problem, 100 aspirin = die Determined by Scientific research Increase dose until 50% of rats die = LD50 12 g of Sugar for 1lb rat = kill 50% of rats HCN –Hydrogen Cyanide LD50 = 4mg/kg LD 50s from MSDS

29 Carcinogen Causes cancer! Ex: Benzene Maybe Causes cancer: Formaldehyde Plastics – BPA Ethidium Bromide or EtBr (used in DNA Gel Electrophoresis)

30 Reactive Explodes, violently polymerizes, form explosive peroxides or react violently w/water or atmosphere Explosive Ammonium nitrate, Benzoyl Peroxide, Sodium Azide Oxidizer Chlorine Gas, 30% Hydrogen Peroxide, Zinc Nitrate, Potassiumchlorate/nitrate/permanganate Dry Ice + coke = explosion

31 Hazardous Material in the Home The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates average household generates 20 pounds of hazardous waste per year Store hazardous materials in their original containers. Keep a bag of cat litter, sand, or sawdust near the storage area to soak up any spilled chemical from a broken or leaking container.

32 Hazardous Material in the Home Always store Flammable materials in the Garage never in the house. Keep Alcohols away from stoves and Grills Make sure to dispose of hazardous wastes properly to the City of El Paso Environmental Services Never Mix Bleach with Acid Toilet Bowl Cleaners, Vinegar, or Ammonia

33 Labels Always make sure that all chemicals, beakers, test tubes, and containers have labels.

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