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In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Sports Academies Dance | Football | Netball | Rugby.

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Presentation on theme: "In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Sports Academies Dance | Football | Netball | Rugby."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Sports Academies Dance | Football | Netball | Rugby

2 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Aims of the Academies Increase the profile of Carr Hill Sixth Form as a high performing sporting establishment. Continually improve our talent development pathways. Provide sporting inspiration within school and in the community. Create elite sporting teams in dance, football, netball and rugby. Intensify importance of representing/belonging to the school. Expand co-operation and teamwork. Instil work ethic and values.

3 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Overview Training & Fixtures Academy Kit Fitness Suite Coaching/Umpiring Courses & Local Links 2017 Tour Contract & Tracker

4 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Training Every Monday PM Attendance is compulsory Academy training kit must be worn Maintain your personal fitness

5 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior.

6 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Fixtures/Rehearsals Every Wednesday PM Must wear academy training kit on match days Not Selected If you are not selected for the match day squad, you MUST SIGN IN AT ATTENDANCE (College Leaders Office) – UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU BE ROAMING AROUND SCHOOL OR THE SIXTH FORM CENTRE – Year 11: you MUST attend the Set 1 Core PE lesson – ask a member of PE staff for details. – Sixth Form: you have the option of attending the Set 1 Core PE lesson or going to The Hub to study. NOT A FREE.

7 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior.

8 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Fitness Suite Follow personal exercise programmes in the fitness suite during training or in selected periods for Sixth Form students.

9 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Academy Kit Wear it with pride All training sessions and match days Do not wear your own sports kit Top up orders can be placed at any time (see LDY) – delivery charge is £5.95 Kit order for new academy members will take place next half term.

10 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Academy Kit To be worn for training and on Wednesdays. Dance  All members of each academy will receive their own personalised kit; including initials and the Carr Hill sporting elite badge.  School will subsidise the cost of the training kit.  Total cost (including school discount): £40.00  Dancers also expected to purchase black leggings and a black leotard.

11 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Academy Kit To be worn for training and on Wednesdays. Football  All members of each academy will receive their own personalised kit; including squad number and the Carr Hill sporting elite badge.  School will subsidise the cost of the training kit.  Total cost (including school discount): £110.00

12 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Academy Kit To be worn for training and on Wednesdays. Netball  All members of each academy will receive their own personalised kit; including initials and the Carr Hill sporting elite badge.  School will subsidise the cost of the training kit.  Total cost (including school discount): £105.00

13 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Academy Kit To be worn for training and on Wednesdays. Rugby  All members of each academy will receive their own personalised kit; including squad number and the Carr Hill sporting elite badge.  School will subsidise the cost of the training kit.  Total cost (including school discount): £120.00  Free tie; to be used on match days

14 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Courses Dance  Dance Leaders Level 2 Football  Level 1, Refereeing Qualification, Youth Module Netball  Youth Netball Organisers, Youth Netball Umpiring Awards Rugby  RFC Rugby Ready, RFU Tag Rugby Leaders Award

15 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Courses Subsidised by the school. If you are thinking about going on a course (not organised by school) then speak to LDY as money is available for academy members.

16 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Local Links Local Primary Sports Leaders Coach, officiate and or lead at Primary sports festivals/tournaments – at least 1 over the course of the year Opportunity to go in local primary schools and help run sports clubs – excellent leadership opportunity (for more info see LDY)

17 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Tour Summer 2017 South Africa Details to be released THIS EVENING!

18 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Contract Punctual and maintain very good attendance (97%) Complete work to the best of your ability Meet deadlines Be honest, polite, show respect – display correct attitude Contribute fully to school and Sixth Form life Act as a role model Attend ALL practices and matches (if selected) Maintain high levels of fitness and monitor your progress Wear academy training kit for practices and on match days Please can contracts and acceptance forms be returned to me this Friday 29 th January.

19 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Academy Tracker Your progress in the sportingelite academy programme will be reported on, just like PA data. 1. Academy attendance; training and/or fixtures. 2. Attitude; general, training and/or fixtures. 3. Fitness Levels; via specialised fitness tests. 4. Performance; fixtures. 1 = Outstanding 2 = Good 3 = Requires Improvement 4 = Inadequate

20 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Academy Policy Failure to achieve an average of 2 points each half term, or if a student has issues with their Sixth Form attendance, academic progress and/or behaviour, may result in the following action: 1.A Verbal Warning: Given by the Academy Team Manager or Academies Officer 2.Letter Home: Stating what misconduct has occurred 3.Final Warning: Sit down meeting with the Academies Officer (LDY) and Head of Expression (PHK) 4.Removal: from Carr Hill’s Sporting Elite Please note: Academic attainment is the school’s priority for your child. If your child is significantly underachieving in their studies then the school reserve the right to withdraw your child from the academy programme until grades improve or work is completed.

21 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Testing Fitness Levels Fitness Test Dates: PA1 Fitness Tests; Monday 12 th October – Period 5 and After School PA2 Fitness Tests; Monday 7 th December – Period 5 and After School PA3 Fitness Tests; Monday 1 st February – Period 5 and After School PA4 Fitness Tests; Monday 18 th April – Period 5 and After School – Dance will be tested on their cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, agility and balance. – Football will be tested on their cardiovascular fitness, agility, power and speed. – Netball will be tested on their cardiovascular fitness, agility, co-ordination and speed. – Rugby will be tested on their cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, power and speed. Your test results will be compared to normative data which will be accessible to students.

22 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Congratulations & Good Luck! You have been selected to be in Carr Hill’s Sporting Elite for a reason. Be proud and work hard. If you have any questions throughout the season speak to your academy manager or LDY.

23 In Pursuit of Excellence [e ɪˈ li ː t] the best educated; the best trained; the superior. Any Questions?

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