LCR PCT Dave Briggs – Clinical Lead Tim Sacks – PBC Management Lead

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Presentation on theme: "LCR PCT Dave Briggs – Clinical Lead Tim Sacks – PBC Management Lead"— Presentation transcript:

1 LCR PCT Dave Briggs – Clinical Lead Tim Sacks – PBC Management Lead

2  Practice Training Needs  Target prevalence work  Strengthening primary care services

3  Protected learning time event commissioned for each locality  Attendance at an accredited training course  In house clinical audit  Peer review

4  Practice specific criterion agreed with the PCT  Suggestions and examples of searches already available  Each Patient should have a GTT  Abnormal results should have a recognized intervention  20 pence for this work and it should be 2.5% of the practice population

5  Insulin Starts (£100 per patient)  Desmond  Call and recall for Prediabetes  Closer links with the specialist diabetic nursing team  Difficult or Hard to reach diabetics

6  Monitoring the Prevalence rates of both prediabetes and diabetes  Rate of uptake of DESMOND  Number of insulin starts in primary care  HbA1C as the WCC marker

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