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“Do Now” 8/22/11 Read the quote at the top of the page and follow the directions on answering the questions.

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Presentation on theme: "“Do Now” 8/22/11 Read the quote at the top of the page and follow the directions on answering the questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Do Now” 8/22/11 Read the quote at the top of the page and follow the directions on answering the questions.

2 “Do Now” 8/23/11 Complete grammar worksheet. You may work with a partner if you want.

3 “Do Now” 8/2/11 Complete grammar worksheet. You may work with a partner if you want.

4 Classmate Interview Objective: to find out more about your classmates and get material to write an essay later.

5 8/26/11 – ‘Do Now’ Quickwrite: “Grown Up”

6 Suppose that you woke up one morning as a grown-up. Write a paragraph (5 to 7 sentences) about this experience.

7 Before you begin to write think about what you would do, where you would go and what you would wear as an adult.

8 Suppose that you woke up one morning as a grown-up. Write a paragraph (5 to 7 sentences) about this experience. ‘Do Now’

9 “Main Lesson” 8/26/11 AIM: to write a 3 – 5 paragraph essay.

10 Today we will be completing the “Student Interview” essays.

11 AIM: to write a 3 – 5 paragraph essay. Using your rough draft, complete the intro and conclusion for your essay.

12 AIM: to write a 3 – 5 paragraph essay. When you are done with your rough draft, check in with teacher about getting on the computer to type your essay.

13 AIM: to write a 3 – 5 paragraph essay. If you have not completed your rough draft, write it on the Rough Draft form.

14 AIM: to write a 3 – 5 paragraph essay. If you have not completed your interview, write a rough draft based upon what you already know about this class.

15 “Do Now” 8/22/11 Volunteer answers to questions.

16 Classmate Interview Find 5 classmates and ask them the questions below (make sure you write down their names). Don’t interview more than two of your friends. Please write down only appropriate answers (use your judgment).

17 Classmate Interview Example Name of classmate: ________________________ Where were you born? In what places have you lived? What is one goal you have for this school year? What other schools have you gone to?

18 Classmate Essay Brainstorm

19 Classmate Essay Brainstorm Pick any three classmates. Re- write your questions and answer in the form of a sentence.

20 Classmate Essay Brainstorm Example “Mary said that her favorite part about school is playing sports.”

21 Classmate Essay Brainstorm Example Student Examples

22 Classmate Essay Brainstorm Create these complete sentences for all questions and answers for all three of your classmates. Write your name and date on the paper.

23 Classmate Essay Rough Draft Create an introductory paragraph and a conclusion for your essay.

24 Examples “ We have a very interesting class.” Classmate Essay Rough Draft

25 Examples “ Our class has a lot of personality.” Classmate Essay Rough Draft

26 Then build your intro. Write things that bring your readers into your story. Classmate Essay Rough Draft

27 “My Freshmen English class has lots of personality. Many of the people I know from middle school, some of them I have met for the first time. Let me tell you about some of them.” Classmate Essay Rough Draft Intro Example

28 Then build your conclusion. Write things that wrap up your story. Classmate Essay Rough Draft

29 As you can see… My class is for sure… The three classmates that I wrote about show that… Classmate Essay Rough Draft

30 Type your essay into Word. Classmate Essay Final Draft with Edits

31 Review Points


33 Complete any missing Work rodnesha was here waan ‘ *by Computer/free time if EVERYTHING is done

34 “Do Now” 8/24/11 “Challenge” Use the chart to answer the questions. You may work in groups. PICK ANY 4 QUESTIONS!!

35 AIM To understand the history of the Constitution after 1787

36 Constitution Vocabulary

37 The laws and plan of a national government Constitution Vocabulary

38 territory Vocabulary

39 Land that belongs to a national government but is not a state territory Vocabulary

40 Pre-reading Working with a partner or individually, complete the pre-reading sheet

41 Read and discuss Pg. 84 - 86

42 In your journals, answer questions 1 and 2 on page 86. Label with page number and the date.

43 Pick one section on from this unit and find three different resources from the internet. Copy and paste one paragraph from each source and use at least one image. Computer-based learning

44 Assessment Web-based Unit assessment via Google docs.

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