Marine Transportation of Energy Marine Transportation System Capacity Mare Forum Houston Nov. 18-19 2002 Bulk Liquid Ocean Shipping Issues Peter M. Swift.

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Transportation of Energy Marine Transportation System Capacity Mare Forum Houston Nov. 18-19 2002 Bulk Liquid Ocean Shipping Issues Peter M. Swift."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Transportation of Energy Marine Transportation System Capacity Mare Forum Houston Nov. 18-19 2002 Bulk Liquid Ocean Shipping Issues Peter M. Swift

2 The world needs tankers As long as the world uses oil As long as the world uses oil World oil consumption 3,590 mpta World oil consumption 3,590 mpta 60 % transported by sea = 2,015 mtpa 60 % transported by sea = 2,015 mtpa + 103 mtpa chemicals + 103 mtpa chemicals

3 Nominal Arabian Light Deflated Arabian Light Nominal freight rates Deflated freight rates Source: INTERTANKO, IEA 10

4 Tonnes spilt per billion tonne-mile transported

5 US crude oil production and net crude oil imports 1983-2003 (est.) Source: EIA

6 Oil consumption in selected Asian countries

7 OPEC and non-OPEC oil production 1971-2002 Source: IEA

8 Major world crude oil exporters - Mbd Source: OPEC, PIW, IEA, Norwegian Oil Directorate

9 Crude oil – seaborne trade indicies 1973=100 Source: Fearnleys

10 Oil products – seaborne trade indicies 1973=100 Source: Fearnleys

11 Tanker & combined carrier fleet by year of build 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 < 1968 1970 1972197419761978198019821984198619881990199219941996199820002002 2004 + Number of tankers U/VLCCs Suezmax Aframax Panamax 10'-60' dwt For delivery

12 Tanker & combined carrier fleet by year of build 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 <1968 19701972197419761978198019821984198619881990199219941996199820002002 2004+ Dwt millions U/VLCCs Suezmax Aframax Panamax 10'-60' dwt For delivery

13 Tanker fleet double-hull development Source: INTERTANKO

14 Double hull ships are great …but like the life rafts of a Boeing 747, it is a device we should do all in our power to avoid testing.

15 World fleet and orderbook - million dwt

16 World Shipbuilding Capacity (mCGT)


18 Bulk Liquid Ocean Shipping Issues  Demand for marine transportation  Supply of marine transportation  Shipping standards  Environmental concerns  Security issues

19 Bulk Liquid Ocean Shipping Issues Demand for Marine Transportation  Oil dependence & Global economic health  Oil sources – long haul vs. short haul  Alternative energy sources  Pipelines

20 Bulk Liquid Ocean Shipping Issues Supply of Marine Transportation  Fair return on investment  AGEISM Arbitrary but flawed age limitations - legislation or charterers - challenge to principle of grandfathering

21 Bulk Liquid Ocean Shipping Issues Shipping Standards – The Threats  Poor freight rates  Weak links in the chain of responsibility  Competition between builders and between classification societies  Ineffective self-regulation  Inadequate feedback mechanisms


23 Bulk Liquid Ocean Shipping Issues Environmental Concerns  Society’s ever increasing expectations – effectively zero tolerance  Bunker fuel requirements  Oil movements in extra sensitive areas

24 Some of the more sensitive areas

25 Bulk Liquid Ocean Shipping Issues Security Issues  Limburg incident  Security at loading and discharge ports  Critical passages

26 Critical Oil Movements Security Concerns Straits of Hormuz15.5 mbd (14 mbd crude) Malacca Straits10 -12 mbd Red Sea3.3 mbd Sumed pipeline2.2 mbd Bosporous/Turkish Straits1.6 up to 2.3 mbd Druzba / ”Friendship” pipeline 1.2 mbd Ceyhan pipeline1.1 mbd Suez canal0.9 mbd Panama canal and pipeline0.5 mbd

27 The world needs tankers - the world expects tankers to be safe !

28 Thank you

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