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Objectives Define Emotional Intelligence Utilize one method to train the brain to be happier Communicate feelings using I-statements Handle strong emotions.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives Define Emotional Intelligence Utilize one method to train the brain to be happier Communicate feelings using I-statements Handle strong emotions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives Define Emotional Intelligence Utilize one method to train the brain to be happier Communicate feelings using I-statements Handle strong emotions in a healthy manner.

2 Lesson 5 Vocabulary Emotion / feeling: A reaction to a situation that involves a person’s mind, body, and behavior. Common and Healthy Emotions: Love, anger, fear, guilt, shame, happiness, and sadness.

3 Emotional Intelligence The ability... to recognize one’s own positive and negative emotions, to know how to express and regulate them, and to recognize the feelings of others and show empathy towards them.

4 “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it” Dennis Kimbro Attitude is everything

5 HOW TO TRAIN THE BRAIN TO BE HAPPIER Gratitude Journaling Single vs. Multitasking Strengths Exercise Meditation

6 Uncontrolled negative emotions can: Interfere with enjoyment of the present Cause physical pain: Increase feelings of stress, anxiety, sadness, bitterness and anger. Destroy relationships or keep you from getting close to other people Make you lose control and hurt yourself or someone else.

7 I-Statements To communicate how I feel without making the other person angry or defensive. When you….(describe the person’s behavior) I feel… (describe your feeling) Because… (explain your reason)

8 Dealing with conflicts without violence Get the right mindset Talk about your feelings using “I-statements.” Listen to what the other person has to say. Validate her/his feelings by rephrasing Avoid yelling, blaming or name-calling. If the conflict is turning violent, walk away. If you cannot work it out, get help. If you are being bullied or harassed don’t try to negotiate, get help.

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