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Presentation on theme: "NORMAL FAMİLY DEVELOPMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF BEHAVİOR DİSORDER."— Presentation transcript:


2 NORMAL FAMILY DEVELOPMENT The psychoanalytic model of normal development containts concepts drawn from  object relations theory  attachment theory and  theories of the self.

3 The child’s innate potential doesn’t mature in sublime indifference to the interpersonal world.The infant needs facilitating environment in order to thrive. This enviorenment doesn’t have to be an unattainable ideal, an average expectiable enviorenment featuring good enough mothering is sufficent.

4 The parents capacity to provide good enough mothering and sufficent security for the baby’s developing ego depends on whether they themselves feel secure. transitional object.Winnicott (1965); transitional object.

5  The early attachment between mother and child has been shown to be a critical aspect of healty development. -close physical proximity -attachment

6 seperation-individuationAfter passing through the normal autistic and symbiotic phases, the child enters a long seperation-individuation period at approximately six months. The necessary and sufficient condition for successful completion of separation- individuation is reliable and loving support.

7 Otto Kernberg and Heinz Kohut have brought theories of the self to center stage in psychoanalytic circles. According to Kernberg(1966), the earliest inrojections occur in the process seperating from mother.If seperation successfull, the child establishes himself or herself as an independent being.

8 Kohut’s term “self objects”: as a self object, the mother trensmits her love by touch, tone of voice and gentle worlds, as tough they were the child’s own feelings.

9 Some of the most interesting and productive psychoanalytic ideas are contained in descriptions of psychodynamics of marriage. In the 1950’s the marital bond was described as a result of unconscious fantasy.

10 One of the most psychodynamic family therapist Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy who have made so important contributions to family therapy. Nagy’s “contextual therapy”, which empasize the ethical dimension of family development.

11 DEVELOPMENT OF BEHAVİOR Nonpsychoanalytic family therapists locate problems in the interactions between people, psychoanalytic therapists identify problems within the interacting people.

12 transferenceOne important reason for relationship problems is that the child develops distorted perceptions by attributing qualities belonging to one person to someone else.Freud (1905) this phenomenon and called it transference.

13 Others have observed similar phenomena and called it “scapegoating”, “trading of dissociations”, “merging”,”family projective process”.All of are variations of Melanie Klein’s concept, projective identification.

14 Parents failure to accept the fact that their children are separate beings can take extreme forms, leading to the most severe types of psychopathology.Several investigators remarked that anorexia nervosa is a problem that results from inadequate separation-individuation.

15 The “false self”(Winnnicott, 1965) of these children is adaptive only as long as they remain at home with their parents. This poorly differentiated children usually face a crisis in adolescence.

16 Much of the current thinking about the effects of pathological object relations has come from Otto Kernberg’s and Heinz Kohut’s studies of borderline character disorder and narcisstic personalities. Kohut described the development of narcisstic pathology, which can take extreme forms as im narcisstic personality disorders, but in less severe forms is one of the most widespread problems in human nature.

17 When it comes to marital choice, psychoanalytists assure us, love is blind. Psychoanalysts point out that marital choice is based primarily on the desire to find an object who will complement and reinforce unconscious fantasies.

18 In marital choice, “false self” is important issue for the partners. Like individuals, families pass through one developmental stage and on to the next without having fully resolved the issues of the transition.

19 Pathological reactions may develop from invisible loyalties. Marriage appears to be a contract between two people at a deeper level however marriage is a transaction between internalized objects.

20 Sager’s treatment of contract considers unconscious factors.Each contract has three levels of awareness. (1)verbalized(2)conscious but not verbalized, usually because of anger(3)unconscious.

21 Family myths simplifying and distorting reality.Myths protect family members from facing certain painful truths. In the extreme, this myhts take the form of “pseudomutuality”, found in schizophrenic families.

22 Families often view family therapists as intruders but the more they fear such inquries, the more they cling to family myths.


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