The Wars of Religion 1525 – 1688. Causes: Attempts to enforce religious uniformity Religion as an excuse for rebellion.

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1 The Wars of Religion 1525 – 1688

2 Causes: Attempts to enforce religious uniformity Religion as an excuse for rebellion

3 Revolt in the Netherlands Ruled by Philip II of Spain Mostly Protestant Rebelled in 1568 over paying high taxes for Spain’s wars and religious persecution 1579 Union of Utrecht – seven northern provinces declare their independence from Spain (Dutch Republic) Religious freedom allowed – although Catholics were not allowed to build churches

4 France French Huguenots become a political power War between Huguenots and Catholics St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre – Aug., 1572 – over 10,000 Huguenots killed Catherine de Medici inspects the results of the massacre outside the palace

5 Protestant Henry of Navarre becomes king in 1589 “Paris is worth a Mass” Edict of Nantes – gives Protestants some religious freedom in specific parts of France King Henry IV

6 Thirty Years War Holy Roman Empire 1618 – 1648 Peace of Augsburg (1555) granted some religious freedom to Catholics and Lutherans Followers of Calvin want the same freedoms Begins as a war for religious freedom; ends as a war for political domination of Habsburg Empire

7 The Defenestration of Prague 1618

8 10 million died; 1/3 German population Nearly every nation in Europe involved Treaty of Westphalia – –Ends the war –Calvinism recognized as a religion –Holy Roman Empire loses territory to Sweden and France –Holy Roman Empire will no longer be a major political power in Europe

9 England Elizabethan Settlement – everyone worships in Anglican Churches Catholics not persecuted until after several rebellions to put Mary Queen of Scots on the throne Penal Laws – anti- Catholic laws in England

10 The Gunpowder Plot 1605 plot by Catholics to blow up Parliament, kill King James I and put his Catholic daughter Elizabeth on the throne Discovered before anything happened Guy Fawkes

11 English Civil War 1641 – 1651 High Church Anglicans vs. Puritans Monarchists vs. Parliamentarians Religion was more of an excuse than a cause of this war King Charles I was executed Results in a Puritan Commonwealth under Oliver Cromwell until 1660, when Charles II became king

12 The Glorious Revolution To depose Catholic king James II and replace him with his Protestant daughter Mary and her husband William of Orange Succesful and peaceful In future, English monarch may not be Catholic Penal Laws strictly enforced in England and her colonies

13 Results of Religious Wars Between 15 and 20 million people dead throughout Europe Little religious toleration Leads to Age of Enlightenment – a reaction against organized religion by educated men and women

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