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Chapter 15: State Building Josey Baxter and Jess Burns.

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1 Chapter 15: State Building Josey Baxter and Jess Burns

2 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Ch 15 30 Years’ WarMonarchs Miscellaneous Figures Territories English Civil War

3 30 Years’ War 100 Q: What two major religions were involved in the 30 Years’ War? A: Catholicism vs. Calvinism

4 30 Years’ War 200 Q: What were the 4 phases of the 30 Years’ War? A: The Bohemian Phase, the Danish Phase, the Swedish Phase, and the Franco-Swedish Phase.

5 30 Years’ War 300 Q: Along with the Catholic Church, what dynasty and empire also declined in power as a result of the 30 Years’ War? A: The Habsburg dynasty and the Holy Roman Empire.

6 30 Years’ War 400 Q: What king was removed by the Protestant rebels of Prague at the start of the 30 Years’ War? Who was put in his place? A: Following the Defenestration of Prague, the rebels deposed the Catholic King Ferdinand II and elected King Frederick V.

7 30 Years’ War 500 Q: What did the Peace of Westphalia do? A: It ended the 30 Years’ War and the 80 Years’ War (the Dutch war for independence from Spain) and allowed religious tolerance throughout the Holy Roman Empire. It established the independence of smaller states, and France got part of of West Germany.

8 Monarchs 100 Q: What king famously declared, “I am the State”? A: Louis XIV “the sun king” (He said this because he was an absolute ruler who didn’t want cardinals interfering with his power).

9 Monarchs 200 Q: What king was put into power as a result of the Treaty of Utrecht? A: Philip V became the king of Spain.

10 Monarchs 300 Q: Who was the first Czar of Russia? A: Ivan IV or “Ivan the Terrible”

11 Monarchs 400 Q: What did Louis XIV’s Edict of Fontainebleau do? A: It revoked the Edict of Nantes, and outlawed Protestantism by destroying Huguenot schools and churches. 200,000 fled France as a result. DAILY DOUBLE!!

12 Monarchs 500 Q: What actions did Peter the Great take to westernize Russia? A: He reorganized the army, created a Senate, divided Russia into provinces, and enforced a Table of Ranks which allowed non-nobles to serve the state.

13 Miscellaneous Figures 100 Q: Who was considered the “Lord Protector” of England? A: Oliver Cromwell

14 Miscellaneous Figures 200 Q: What were Thomas Hobbes’s main ideas in The Leviathan? A: People are guided by animalistic instincts, and so the government’s role is to act as an absolute sovereign authority. Citizens shouldn’t rebel, but if they do, their absolute ruler should suppress them.

15 Miscellaneous Figures 300 Q: Who successfully applied the ideas of mercantilism in French manufacturing and transportation? A: Jean-Baptiste Colbert, who had the difficult job of being Louis XIV’s Minister of Finance.

16 Miscellaneous Figures 400 Q: Who was Cardinal Richelieu and in what ways did he change the French government? A: He was the chief minister to Louis XIII and used his influence to strengthen the power of the monarchy, eliminated the political and military rights of Huguenots (but kept their religious rights), wiped out any nobles who opposed the monarchy, created the intendant system to enforce the orders of the central government, and created a HUGE debt.

17 Miscellaneous Figures 500 Q: Who were the Janissaries? A: Christian boys who were kidnapped in the Ottoman Empire, converted to Islam, and turned into killing machines through strict military discipline. 8,000 troops of Janissaries served the Sultan as elite soldiers and bodyguards.

18 Territories 100 Q: What family ruled Brandenburg-Prussia? A: The Hohenzollern dynasty, an extremely powerful and wealthy family in Northern Germany.

19 Territories 200 Q: What city became the commercial capital of Europe? A: Amsterdam

20 Territories 300 Q: What was the Great Northern War fought over? A: Peter the Great wanted a “window to the west” and fought with Sweden to get a warm water port on the Baltic Sea. He called this port St. Petersburg.

21 Territories 400 Q: What state did “The Great Elector” strengthen? A: “The Great Elector” Frederick William strengthened Prussia. (He did so by expanding the military, raising taxes, and reinforcing serfdom to gain noble support).

22 Territories 500 Q: What four wars/invasions did Louis XIV engage in? A: The invasion of the Netherlands, the invasion of the United Provinces, the War of the League of Augsburg, and the War of Spanish Succession.

23 English Civil War 100 Q: What’s the Difference between a Royalist and a Roundhead? A: Royalists (Cavaliers) supported King Charles I, while Roundheads (Parliamentarians) supported Parliament and were led by Oliver Cromwell. Roundheads were usually Puritan.

24 English Civil War 200 Q: Whose side would John Locke have supported and why? A: The Roundheads because he argued against absolute rule. He believed that the government’s job was to protect people’s inalienable rights (life, liberty, property, etc.) and if the government failed to live up to its obligations, the people had the right to rebel.

25 English Civil War 300 Q: What was the Glorious Revolution and why was it glorious? A: When James II fled to France and was replaced with his Protestant daughter Mary, and her husband, William of Orange. There was very little bloodshed, and William and Mary willingly agreed to Parliament’s demands.

26 English Civil War 400 Q: What did the Bill of Rights establish? A: It established a constitutional monarchy. It gave rights to English citizens, prevented the king from levying taxes without Parliament’s consent, ensured free Parliamentary elections, and made Parliament more powerful than the monarchy.

27 English Civil War 500 Q: What was the Petition of Right proposed by Parliament to Charles I? A: Parliament refused to give Charles I money unless he agreed to let Parliament place a limit on his power. The king was unable to levy taxes or disband Parliament without Parliament’s consent.

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