Brian Cronin Federal Transit Administration ITSA Annual Conference May 4, 2005 Mobility Services for All Americans (MSAA) Foundation Research and Next.

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2 Brian Cronin Federal Transit Administration ITSA Annual Conference May 4, 2005 Mobility Services for All Americans (MSAA) Foundation Research and Next Steps

3 2 Mobility Services for All Americans Initiative Program Goals: - Increase mobility and transportation accessibility for the transportation disadvantaged and the general public - Achieve more efficient use of federal transportation funding resources End Product: Replicable/Scalable Traveler Management Coordination Center (TMCC)

4 3 Mobility Services for All Americans Timeline

5 4 Foundation Research Goals Integrate existing knowledge Establish baseline data Develop information repository Leverage resources with concurrent activities and initiatives

6 5 Foundation Research Tasks Conduct Basic Research –Needs/barriers –Solutions and strategies (ITS and overall) –State of the practice/art –Gaps and prioritization Validate with Stakeholders Input –4 discussion groups –Private industry sounding board –Federal program steering group Recommend next steps

7 6 Preliminary Findings – Needs Five basic needs relative to transit trip making –Understanding the systems and planning the trip –Accessing the transportation from origin –Entering, using or riding, and exiting the transportation –Trip chaining and transferring between systems as needed –Arriving at the destination

8 7 Preliminary Findings – Barriers Service availability Vehicle accessibility Information Financial status Funding Environmental situations Human interaction Service coordination

9 8 Preliminary Findings – Solutions Technological –ITS –Assistive technologies –other Non-Technological –Institutional/organizational –Legislative –Training & outreach –Others

10 9 Example Unexpected real-time travel (mobility) needs Affecting all TD population Barriers facing customers 24 – 48 hr advanced reservations required Unmet mobility needs ITS enhanced customer service Real-time reservations (Internet/IVR) Automated call-back (confirmation) ITS enhanced operations AVL/MDT Automated scheduling and dispatching Advanced communication systems Barriers facing providers/brokers Manual scheduling, dispatching & routing Inability to track/manage fleet in real time Inefficient operations

11 10 Purpose of Stakeholder Input Using a combination of advisory briefings and discussion groups to –Validate and calibrate researchers hypotheses and technologies –Solicit stakeholder inputs and strengthen stakeholders support for the initiative

12 11 Stakeholder Input - Participants Discussion Groups –Consumer (Advocates) – 03/15/05 –Community and Non-Profit Transportation Agencies – 04/06/05 –Public Transit Agencies – 04/12/05 –Public Administrators – 04/12/05 Federal Program Steering Group – 04/13/2005 Private Industry Sounding Board

13 12 Preliminary Findings: Technological Elements of a Model Solution Build upon existing technologies –AVL / CAD –Traveler information (web, 211/511, etc.) –Scheduling Software, w ith improvements Leverage emerging technologies –Connection Protection systems –Financial management systems Funding, Eligibility, Invoicing Integrate systems and agencies –Through web services –Data standards

14 13 Preliminary Findings Non-Technical Considerations Need to raise awareness of potential benefits Need for a champion –To develop and maintain system Need to consider the human factor –Undertake proper systems engineering approach Carefully document user needs Develop use cases Customer Centric –Supplement with structured training program

15 14 System must balance benefits from integration with personalization offered by smaller, stove- piped services Must be sensitive to the possibility of winners and losers when optimizing the system Design must be addressed in context of Eligibility and Funding System should be all-encompassing within a given geographic area Preliminary Findings Non-Technical Considerations (cont.)

16 15 Ongoing Rural ITS Transit Operational Tests 13 ongoing rural ITS transit operational tests focusing on mobility enhancement and service coordination Major system functions –Interagency, intermodal –Customer management and eligibility –Coordinated scheduling, dispatching, and routing –Driver manifests and directions –Mobility management –Electronic fare system –Cost sharing, billing, and reporting –Traveler Information & trip planning –Automated reservation, cancellation, confirmation, and notification

17 16 Operational Tests Self Evaluations Evaluation Plan Data Collection Data Analysis Evaluation Report

18 17 MSAA Next Steps Based on foundation research findings –Assess and scope technology integration tests –Draft TMCC concept of operations and system requirements –Develop technology transfer and outreach plans Obtain DOT management approval for continuation Continue stakeholder participation –Stakeholder facilitation –Overall program stakeholder oversight and working groups Define Measures of Effectiveness (MOE)

19 18 Your continuing participation and engagement is a key to the overall success of the MSAA program For more information:

20 19 Thank You Brian Cronin Team Leader, APTS Division Federal Transit Administration 400 Seventh Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20590 Phone: (202) 366-8841

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