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Immediate short term effects of exercise on the body Immediate short term effects of exercise on the body.

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Presentation on theme: "Immediate short term effects of exercise on the body Immediate short term effects of exercise on the body."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immediate short term effects of exercise on the body Immediate short term effects of exercise on the body

2 Immediate short term effects Of exercise BreathingPulse ratesweatingmusclescirculation

3 Breathing Rate rises quickly Even before activity commences More air is drawn into the lungs as the muscles involved in breathing work harder The increased volume of air delivers more o2 to the bloodstream and on to the working muscles

4 Pulse rate The NS triggers a faster heart rate and a greater volume of blood is pumped around the body The stroke volume remains constant, but the heart beats faster This greatly increases the volume of blood delivered to the muscles

5 Circulation The circulation of blood increases as the level of activity rises This is in response to the increased demand for o2 by the muscles The major blood vessels dilate to allow this to happen Those blood vessels not involved in the activity will constrict

6 Muscles Blood vessels in the active muscles dilate to accommodate increased blood flow Blood temperature rises and this produces more efficient muscle action (a rise in temperature from 37C > 41C produces a 15% increase in performance of muscles) This increases the blood supply to the muscle tendons, reducing likelihood of tears/strains This process will have begun during the warm up

7 Sweating Sweat production is accelerated during increased levels of activity Sweat released via the sweat glands / skin pores helps remove impurities from the body The evaporation of sweat at the skin surface contributes to body cooling Illustration explanation: The skin is composed of an epidermal layer (E) from which hair follicles (H), sweat glands (G), and sebaceous glands (S) descend into the underlying dermis (D).

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