Terrestrial biomes. biome Definition- a major type of ecosystem with distinctive temperatures, precipitation, and organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "Terrestrial biomes. biome Definition- a major type of ecosystem with distinctive temperatures, precipitation, and organisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Terrestrial biomes

2 biome Definition- a major type of ecosystem with distinctive temperatures, precipitation, and organisms

3 Major terrestrial biomes Desert Tundra Deciduous forest Evergreen forest (taiga) Rainforest Steppe Prairie

4 Desert biome Precipitation = 0 to 10 cm per year Most rain comes in a few thundershowers Lack of water makes desert cool at night 2 types of deserts –Cool (like deserts east of Rocky mtns.) –Hot (like deserts in Arizona and New Mexico Temperatures can go from 100 degrees F. to 40 degrees F. in same day

5 Desert plants Store water in tissues Shallow, wide roots Many have spines The plant at right is the prickly pear cactus

6 Old man cactus & aloe vera

7 Desert animals Get water from food Some live underground Some are nocturnal Some have large ears to radiate heat Animal at left is a fennec from Africa

8 Thorny devil (Australia) & sidewinder (southwestern U.S.)

9 Sahara desert



12 Tundra biome Cold, windy & dry Fewest organisms of any other biome Short growing season (60 days) Permafrost – only top 8-10 cm of soil thaw in summer, area below stays frozen Less than 25 cm of precipitation per year

13 Tundra plants Tundra plants are small, shallow-rooted, and grow close to ground Willow trees grow only 1 meter tall from wind and limited space Most are mosses, lichens, wildflowers, and grasses

14 Tundra animals Most have thick coats and wide feet Migration – seasonal travel to find food No reptiles or amphibians Many migratory birds (few predators there)

15 caribou

16 Lemming


18 evergreen forest (taiga) biome Warm summers, long, cold winters 40 to 200 cm precip. per yr. Usually found on high mtns. of N. Amer., Europe, and Asia Soil is poor because of slow decomposition of needles Snow insulates soil from freezing


20 Taiga plants Trees have wax-covered needles to shed snow and hold moisture Ferns and lichens grow in dim light on forest floor Most taiga trees produce cones that contain seeds Tree at left is a black spruce, often used as a Christmas tree

21 Larch and jack pine (conifers)

22 Taiga animals Most adapted to cold & snow Small rodents live under snow Many large herbivores & predators

23 moose

24 lynx

25 wolf

26 Deciduous forest biome Receives 50 to 300 cm precip. per yr. Temps. range from 30 deg.C to -30 deg.C Trees drop leaves in winter to conserve water 6 month growing season 3 layers: –Canopy (highest layer) –Understory (younger, smaller trees) –Floor (shrubs, ferns, mosses)


28 Deciduous forest plants Rich soil (humus) from falling leaves Many are colorful in fall and winter Tree on the right is a Japanese maple

29 Red oak and sugar maple


31 Deciduous forest animals Diverse group of predators & herbivores Adapted to cold At right is a raccoon

32 Pileated woodpecker and white-tailed deer

33 Red fox and porcupine

34 Rain forest biome Average temp. is 25 deg. C year-round Precip ranges from 200 to 450 cm per yr. 12 month growing season Most diverse plants & animals of any biome Contain 70% of all terrestrial species but cover only 6% of earth’s surface Canopy catches 99% of light hitting the forest Soil is poor – warmth & moisture cause rapid decay of dead matter



37 Rainforest plants Shallow-rooted from poor soil Some are epiphytes (live by hanging from trees) Many exotic species of wood – teak, mahogany, balsa Left is a mahogany guitar body

38 Koli’I and orchid

39 Rainforest animals Adapted to different layers of forest Some are arboreal (live entire life in trees) Bird on right is bird-of- paradise

40 Red-eyed frog & spider monkey

41 Toucan & sloth

42 Kinkajou & rainforest possum

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