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Save Crowe’s Nest Farm. Saving CROWE’S NEST FARM There is a drought in Crows Nest Farm our PBL is going to show you a way to save this farm. A drought.

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Presentation on theme: "Save Crowe’s Nest Farm. Saving CROWE’S NEST FARM There is a drought in Crows Nest Farm our PBL is going to show you a way to save this farm. A drought."— Presentation transcript:

1 Save Crowe’s Nest Farm

2 Saving CROWE’S NEST FARM There is a drought in Crows Nest Farm our PBL is going to show you a way to save this farm. A drought is when there is no water to drink or to give the animals neither.

3 Plan for drought Our plan to save crowe’s nest farm is to give them little of water because they wont drink it all the that instant that why we think you should give a little.

4 List of consumers 1 st. Horse 2 nd.Cow 3 rd. Peacock 4 th.Piggy

5 Horse t hese are the nutrients they need to survive, hay, water, and grass. The drought is effecting this consumer because they won’t have enough water to drink. Give them little water each day because they don’t finish it and it will evaporate. It will help them grow stronger and healthier and will have more food because they will have more nutrients

6 Cow They will eat grass, water and sometimes they will eat hay because they don’t have enough water. They don’t have their nutrients and they will give them different kinds of foods and might get sick. The farmer will give them a little bit of water because it will evaporate and will get dirty.

7 Cow picture

8 Peacock They eat ticks, ants, lockots and mice. Mice will die and peacocks won’t have enough water or food and might die. An example of how to give them a little bit of water because they won’t drink it and it will evaporate and get dirty. If they give more food they will have more food and be more healthy.

9 Pig They eat corn soy beans meal with vitamins. They don’t have mud to refresh them shelves because there is no water. Give them a little of water each time because they won’t drink it and it might evaporate or get dirty.

10 pig

11 List of producers  Grass  Hay

12 Hay These consumers needs water, air, soil, and light.

13 Grass Water your grass by day or it will evaporate. Water your plants when it is on the afternoon or on the very morning.

14 producers They do have their own food.

15 Consumers They don’t make their own food.

16 Jobs Team captain : Celeste Materials : Rebecca technology: Rocehelle M. Note taker: Rodolfo S.

17 Bibliography Ms. Howard Ms. Chafin Decker4thgrade.wikispaces Google

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