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Promotional Strategies Developing a Promotional Mix.

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Presentation on theme: "Promotional Strategies Developing a Promotional Mix."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promotional Strategies Developing a Promotional Mix

2 Know these key terms Image Publicity News Releases Public Relations Pre-selling Premiums Campaign Rebates Sweepstakes Industry Averages Promotional Mix Cooperative Advertising Advertising Agencies Specialty Items Consumer Pre-tests Incentives to buy Prime Time Media or Median

3 Image Ideas, beliefs and impressions, (feelings) that people have regarding a business or product.

4 Image is important Because consumers buy products for rational and irrational reasons.

5 Pre-selling Is promotional activity before consumers make a decision. (Advertising & Public Relations)

6 Pre-selling / Advertising through couponing, low price advertising, rebates, sweepstakes, specialty items or any giveaways, for customers, creates “incentives to buy”.

7 A Campaign is A series of promotional activities with one particular theme.

8 Advertising is A paid form of communication through a median.

9 Prime Time Refers to broadcast time, TV & Radio, when there are usually the most viewers or listeners, TV: 8pm-10pm, Radio: 4pm-6pm (drive time).

10 Public Relations is Unpaid promotional activities in an effort to create a positive image and goodwill.

11 Publicity is: Placement of news releases in the media in an effort to create a favorable image. 60- 80% of all news is created by PR people.

12 News releases are Articles created by publicity or public relations people sent to the media.

13 Sweepstakes are: Games and contests in an effort to promote attention about a business or product.

14 Rebates are: Monetary incentives, after a purchase, sent to a customer, returning part of the price.

15 Specialty Items are: Items such as coffee cups, pens and t-shirts displaying a company logo, telephone # or address. This promotional business is sometimes called the Trinkets and Trash Trade.

16 A Promotional Mix is: Advertising, Public Relations, Personal Selling, Internet Marketing or any other Promotional activity directed at a Target Market (TM).

17 When selecting a promotional mix, businesses should consider: The target market, type of business, cost, product value, and time frames.

18 Industry Averages % of advertising and promotion used in a particular industry. This is often used as a determination on how much to spend in promotion

19 Cooperative Advertising Money supplied by producers to retailers to promote their products.

20 Consumer Pre-tests Businesses pre-view advertising to consumers before running an ad

21 Agencies, advertising / public relations Charge by fee or charge a % of ad $ placed. Standard advertising commission is 15%. Public relation firms usually charge a fee on how many news articles or broadcasts were created. Many businesses choose an in-house approach.

22 Premiums are Additions to a sale or a product. These can be coupons, services or gifts: designed to attract new customers or to build loyalty among existing customers.

23 Media is the plural form of Median TV & Radio are Broadcast media, Newspapers, Direct Mail and Magazines are print media, Billboards and posters are outdoor media.

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