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Workshop in Krakow, July 2014 „MY PROFESSION, MY JOB, MY FUTURE”

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1 Workshop in Krakow, July 2014 „MY PROFESSION, MY JOB, MY FUTURE”

2 1. Learn about your rights…. 2. What is your appearance? 3. My strong/weak points During our work related to the project Leonardo da Vinci - ”VISION 2020”, we have defined 3 topics of workshops for disabled in the fields of professional advice During our work related to the project Leonardo da Vinci - ”VISION 2020”, we have defined 3 topics of workshops for disabled in the fields of professional advice

3 1. Learn about your rights - information about rights based on Polish Labour Code, types of contracts, flexible forms of employment - financial benefits for employers from employing a disabled person 2. What is your appearance? -The role of presenting yourself in achieving personal and professional success -effective autopresentation: appearance and communication (words, voice, body language ) 3. My strong/weak points Coaching (job coaching, life coaching) – interpersonal competence (self-awareness, strong and weak points, awareness of own limits, how to be competitive on labour market?) Practical classes: how to write CV and letter of application TOPIC 1, 2,3 (a short reminder) TOPIC 1, 2,3 (a short reminder)

4 The results and benefits for disabled people, their families and guardians: - Improving the quality of trainers'/advisers' workshop -Extending the offer of assistance provided by advisers; -Creating a database of job advertisements for disabled people and a database of professions for people with eye dysfunctions. -Changing attitudes, which are a barrier for gaining education - Knowing effective ways of self-presentation - Promoting disabled people, who succeeded in their personal and professional life. Planned Results of workshops: -.-.

5 Workshop in Krakow. In July 2014 we organized the SECOND workshop titled: SELF- PRESENTATION. The workshop has been prepared for people with fewer opportunities, including those with disabilities. The participants were able to expand their knowledge about knowing the labor market and discuss effective ways of self-presentation. The main theme of the meeting was to discuss the issue: „What is your appearance?”

6 Workshop in Krakow. At the very beginning participants introduced each other and there was a names’ reminding…. The classes have a lecture interlaced with training, in which participants performed exercises, which were designed (also about you, yourself), to break down the barriers in the presentation’ preparation.

7 Activities – 1. Two-minute autobiography Activities – 1. Two-minute autobiography. Classes were devided in two parts : 1. "Two-minute autobiography" Participants get together in twos, finding a partner, which they little know. Within two minutes one person was telling another about his past, plans, intentions,... Then there was a change. Each of the participants had the opportunity to try their strength with a short presentation of your partner throughout the group, starting with the words - "I learned that..." Trainers evaluated the ability of expression.

8 Activities – 2. Definition of autobiography. 2. Students prepared the definition of words "autobiography" and "self-presentation" According to the literature, the point of self-presentation is to present himself or herself in the way expected (in this case), the process of controlling by the individual - the way how it is perceived by the environment? During the workshop, the trainer asked participants what constitutes on the art of self-presentation? Then, together they discussed the various elements and developed of the principles of effective self-presentation so-called "Decalogue of self- presentation.“.

9 Definitions Decalogue of self-presentation Definitions Decalogue of self-presentation. Participants in pairs prepared definitions of self-presentation A self-presentation is: Representation of interests, passions Presentation of credibility, authenticity and kindness to the environment Self-confidence, knowledge of their strengths, convince to each other Assertiveness, Appearance, attitude, except when talking, verbal and non-verbal Ability to communicate effectively “Technical” ability – meaning creating presentations, CV, Application letter, art of speaking Punctuality Receiver’s sensitivity / flexibility, Reliability Having knowledge about the business where we apply for a job.

10 Discussion. NEXT…We have started a discussion about the good examples related to the body language At the end the participants came to the following conclusions: Sit sideways, do not cross the legs, present an open position, do not put your hands on the employer’s desk. You can have your own briefcase with documents - certificates, diplomas, but REMEMBER you can’t show that you are better than your employer. Avoid excessive gestures, express yourself in a respectful way, speak calmly, namely, adjust the manner of expression to the age of the recipient, if possible - keep an eye contact (there may be a problem for the people with eye malfunction)

11 Practical exercises - self-presentation At the end of the meeting, participants prepared a two-minute statement about themselves and the rest made the evaluations on a sheet of paper – there were written sets of strengths and weaknesses of each speech. Participants presented their successes, achievements, interesting activities which were made. Coaches and other participants could ask questions. At the end, each participant received a card with assesments of their presentation (+) and (-). Good practices -.-.

12 RESULTS Thanks the workshops by the trainers were involved in the project, in result they improve the quality of their work. Thanks to the proposals which arose after the workshop – it will be extended an offer of support provided by counselors. Also they transferred their experiences and learned from each other, it will strengthen their competencies. Coaches are motivated to further actions. -.-.

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