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THE LEFT REPUBLIC (APR 1931 – NOV 1933) -The center-left won win the objective of modernizing Spain. Manuel Azaña became the president and the new government.

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Presentation on theme: "THE LEFT REPUBLIC (APR 1931 – NOV 1933) -The center-left won win the objective of modernizing Spain. Manuel Azaña became the president and the new government."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE LEFT REPUBLIC (APR 1931 – NOV 1933) -The center-left won win the objective of modernizing Spain. Manuel Azaña became the president and the new government declared a new constitution stating that “Spain was a democratic republic of workers of all classes. However the tension continued in the political, economic and social atmosphere under the new left-wing regime. -Azaña’s speeches were anticlerical, and attempt to separate the church and the state, the church was no longer controlling the education. -The army was offered early retirement on full pay and this was accepted by 50% of the officers. The academy of Saragossa was closed. This was expensive for the government and it showed the army was radicalized; those who remained were conservative and nationalist. -The economic problems had been worsened by the Great Depression, wine and olive exports fell, land had gone out of cultivation, peasant unemployment rose, iron production fell.

2 -Francisco Largo Caballero (Labor Minister) started a land distribution program, with compensation for the landowners but the government didn’t have the money for this change. The right saw a threat to its interests and a copy of the Soviet system. -Civil unrest and violence continued, and the government dealt with the perpetrators brutally. It was introduced the Assault Guard (a left-wing military force). -Catalonia was given its own parliament and some powers, this angered the right-wing groups as they saw it as the break-up of Spain. -Each reform was seen as an attack to the right-wing groups (the church, the army, the landowners, the industrialists, etc.) Another right-wing party was created, the CEDA (Confederación Española de Derechas Autónomas) led by José María Gil-Robles which was modelled on the Nazi Party. -In 1933, in an attempt to discover a group of anarchists, 25 were killed, this caused the Left republic to lose support from the working class and from the socialists. -Azaña resigned that year.

3 THE RIGHT REPUBLIC (NOV 1933 – FEB 1936) -Elections were held in 1933 and now the Republic switched to the right. CEDA was the largest party but the government resisted giving Gil-Robles power. In October 1934 CEDA withdrew support and Gil-Robles was appointed as War Minister. -The new government reversed the reforms implemented by the previous regime. Church control and privileges were restored. Catalonia’s autonomy was suspended and the revolt of the Asturian Miners (1934) was put down by the troops. -The right lost the support of the Basques. -Largo Caballero was more extreme in his speeches and suggested CEDA was the Spanish Nazi Party and the left should seek a Soviet-style solution for Spain. Gil-Robles demanded more authoritarian control to the communists, which caused a close cooperation among the leftist factions: socialists, anarchists, syndicalists and communists. ruggle

4 THE POPULAR FRONT (FEB – JULY 1936) -The right-wing collapsed as the economic and the political situation got worse. Now the Popular Front won the elections (an anti-fascist coalition of different left-wing groups). -Manuel Azaña returned to power and now he was not too radical. Nevertheless the government wanted to restore the reforms of the Left Republic, political prisoners were released, but there was no political consensus. -Caballero’s socialists did not join the government and the right-wing did not accept the reforms. -The anarchists encouraged the peasants to take land, which increased violence in the countryside. There were bombings and assassinations, and also conflicts among the FAI (Federación Anarquista Ibérica), the CEDA and the Falange. -In May, the CNT called a general strike, and there were many strikes during June.

5 IMMEDIATE CAUSES OF THE SPANISH CIVIL WAR -The victory of the left in 1936 threw the right-wing CEDA into turmoil. Gil-Robles used his funds to support military plans for a coup. In fact, the military officers started planning a coups as soon as the Popular Front won the elections. -Nationalist junior officers joined the senior Africanistas officers, the catalyst was the murder of a popular leader of CEDA on 13 July 1936. -Azaña knew about the coup and tried to prevent it by moving key military figures into remote posts. -The conspirators made contact with the fascist Falange and the monarchist Carlist group. Spain was clearly divided between fascism and communism. -The coup was initiated on 17 July from Morocco, and it seized mainland taking northern Spain and parts of Andalusia. It didn’t reach the industrial areas nor Madrid and half of the army remained loyal to the Republic.

6 WHY DID THE REPUBLICANS LOSE THE WAR? WHY DID THE NATIONALISTS WIN THE WAR? -This has to be analyzed politically, militarily, economically and the foreign assistance given to each side. POLITICAL DISUNITYPOLITICAL UNITY -Caballero became head of a coalition government in September 1936. his rule was weakened, the Republicans were politically divided. -The communists and the socialists believed the “revolution” should be put off until the war was won, the anarchists believed the war could only be won through revolutionary policies. -The anarchists, dominant in Catalonia, Aragon and Andalusia promoted “revolution from below”. -The regions of Catalonia, the Basques and Asturias became virtually independent. -In July 1936 the PCE had 40,000 members, in October 1937 400,000 members. The fact they were the only group with clear assistance (USSR) was exploited. The terror tactics to retain control led to some resistance even in sympathetic places. -Communists and socialist wanted victory to strengthen the 2nd Republic, the anarchists wanted a new regime. MAY DAYS in 1937 -Their only common aim was to overthrow the government. -Generals Mola, Sanjurjo and Goded seemed more important than Franco, but after the first weeks he emerged as the leader. The generals decided that they needed a unified command. -It was agreed Franco due to his position within the Army of Africa and because German aid came through him. -Franco controlled the Carlists and the Falange (70,000 and 1 million members) but merging them in one party (Falange Española Tradicionalista, FET) which was under his control. -Franco was assisted by the church, which denounced atheism communism and called for a crusade to protect Christian civilization. -Franco gained power and authority from his victories on the battlefields.

7 MILITARY PROBLEMSMILITARY UNITY -The Republic lacked strong military leadership. The anarchists militias and the Basques refused to be led by a central command. The Basques didn’t permit their forces to defend areas outside their own territory. Additionally, loyal army officers, with a lot of experience, were not trusted by the Republic. -The Republic was dependent on ineffective militia units that formed haphazardly. They fought a series of local conflicts and different fronts operated separately. Many battlefields were not within range of their air force, and they failed to sustain offensive campaigns. -At the end of 1936 the militias were replaced with a coherent “Popular Front”. -At the beginning, Nationalists had the same problems as the Republicans; Carlists and Falangist militias tried to operate alongside regular army units. -The unified command was key to success. Franco’s leadership was accepted by the other generals and the right-wing parties, even the Italian forces were under his command too. -The Army of Africa played a significant role since it proved to be the most effective force in the entire Civil War and it contained the best troops in the country. -The Nationalists managed to equip their growing army throughout the war and they also trusted their large number of junior officers. -Franco was an able military and political leader. He didn’t pursue more radical advice given by the German and Italian advisors. His concern for the troops ensured that the majority was obedient.

8 ECONOMIC PROBLEMSECONOMIC ADVANTAGE -Areas under anarchist control (industries, public utilities and transport) were taken over by workers’ committees, and in the countryside collective farms were set up. Unfortunately, neither system could supply the needs of the Republic. -Production in key areas fell by 2/3 between 1936 – 1939.The Republic was continuously affected by food and raw material shortages. Inflation reached 300% and wages only increased 15%. -The Non-Intervention Committee (NIC), established by England and France starved the Republic of all credit, the USSR was the only one willing to trade with it. However, this trade had to be paid for using the entire gold reserves of Spain. -The business community supported the Nationalists, they could get credit to buy war supplies. -By September 1936, they were in control of the main food-producing areas, and in 1937 they added the main industrial areas to their control. -The Nationalists also benefitted from international trade and credit, which was not restricted. -It has been estimated the USA gave $700 million in credit during the course of the war. -Franco’s forces could buy all the rubber and oil they needed from US companies.

9 FOREIGN ASSISTANCE -Foreign aid has been seen as a critical factor in the outcome of the Spanish Civil War. -The assistance given to the Republicans was much more limited than that given to the Nationalists. -The Soviet aid arrived first: 1,000 aircraft, 750 tanks, some advisors, but no troops, and this had to be paid for with the gold reserves which were sent to Moscow. -The Comintern organized the International Brigades and 35,000 volunteers went to Spain to fight. -In 1938, the Soviets withdrew their support, the International Brigades went home, and this was a final blow for the Republic. -Initially, France sent help, but the support was ended when France joined Britain in the policy of non- intervention, a policy driven by anti-communist feelings. -The Nationalists benefitted from more aid, and of a better quality. -The Germans had airlifted Franco’s Army from Morocco to the mainland in the first stage of the war. -The Germans also committed the Condor Legion: 800 aircraft, 200 tanks, 10,000 troops. The Italians sent 750 planes, 150 tanks and 75,000 troops. The Portuguese sent 20,000 troops and permitted pass over their long border with Spain.

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