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BEHAVIORAL THEORIES  Classical Conditioning  Operant Conditioning  Social-Cognitive Theory.

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Presentation on theme: "BEHAVIORAL THEORIES  Classical Conditioning  Operant Conditioning  Social-Cognitive Theory."— Presentation transcript:

1 BEHAVIORAL THEORIES  Classical Conditioning  Operant Conditioning  Social-Cognitive Theory

2 BEHAVIORAL THEORIES  Pavlov’s Classical Conditioning …Neutral stimulus paired with active stimulus to produce response.  Watson’s Conditioning of ‘little Albert’ …Involuntary responses are learned.  Skinner’s Operant Conditioning …Consequences, rewards and punishment, shape behavior. Theories of Development

3 SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORIES  Bandura …Emphasizes observational learning. …Focus on reciprocal interactions among behavior, cognition, and environment (any one can influence the others). …Cognitive thought needed to imitate others. Theories of Development


5 SOCIAL-COGNITIVE LEARNING THEORY Model: Conscious and Rational  Very compatible theory with the American culture.  No such thing as an unconscious.  Not going to tell you something about yourself that you don’t already know.  Does not challenge our beliefs as psychodynamic does.  Common sense approach.  Added the symbolic environment as opposed to just rewards and punishments.

6 SOCIAL-COGNITIVE LEARNING THEORY Reciprocal Determinism (causation) Triangular Model: Person Internal personal factors such as cognitions, affective reactions, and biological processes. Behavior Overt behavior. Environment Actual Environment.

7 SOCIAL-COGNITIVE LEARNING THEORY Observational Learning: Attention Symbolic Representation Transformation into Action Motivational Incentive

8 SOCIAL-COGNITIVE LEARNING THEORY Self-Efficacy: Persons belief in their ability to produce desired results from their own actions. Ways to develop Efficacy: Mastery Experiences Social Modeling Social Persuasion Physical and Emotional States and ability to read them This is not self-esteem.

9 SOCIAL-COGNITIVE LEARNING THEORY Important: Very Simple Expectancies Person---Behavior---Consequence The expectancy occurs between each step. The first is self-efficacy: that you can perform a specific behavior in a specific situation. The second is the outcome expectancy-you will receive what you are suppose to receive (reinforcement value).

10 SOCIAL-COGNITIVE LEARNING THEORY When negative behaviors do happen? Mechanisms of Disengagement: Moral Justification Euphemistic Labeling Minimizing the consequences Dehumanizing the victim Blaming the victim Someone else’s responsibility Diffusion of responsibility

11 EVALUATING THE BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORIES  Contributions include: …Scientific research …Person and cognitive factors …Environmental determinants …Observational learning  Criticisms include: …Lack of focus on cognition …Too little attention to developmental changes …Overemphasis on environmental determinants Theories of Development

12 CLASSICAL CONDITIONING  Creator: Ivan Pavlov

13 OPERANT CONDITIONING  Creator: B.F. Skinner

14 LEARNED FEAR  Creator: John Watson

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