Great Balancing Act: Developing Depth vs. Covering the Curriculum 2010 Shoshin Ryu Instructor Workshop.

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Presentation on theme: "Great Balancing Act: Developing Depth vs. Covering the Curriculum 2010 Shoshin Ryu Instructor Workshop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Great Balancing Act: Developing Depth vs. Covering the Curriculum 2010 Shoshin Ryu Instructor Workshop

2 Finding the Middle Way Too much depth Students don’t get thru the curriculum Students don’t get good recall Student’s don’t progress broadly Students aren’t good at Goshinjutsu Each Finger is its own Art

3 Finding the Middle Way Too Little Depth Students can’t function well - application Students can’t grow Students just dabble with new things - haven’t learned to take time to ‘master’ moves

4 Today we will focus On More Depth while making efficient use of time All students need to have a command of how to move thru all the curriculum then it is easier to add more depth

5 Vision You need to project what you want You need to expect that of your students You need to teach, lead them to that spot Vision of Dojo: Shodan, polite, sincere, great base to grow on in each finger of SR, earnest worker, excellence in Self Defense, Helpful

6 Teaching Depth First Present info Then Do, praise, review repeat reminders (<5 sec) focus on what you want No standing around

7 Stand back and watch See what students do correct or praise: 1-3 words See how students train increase intensity better time management See overall picture Call out corrections, praise, suggestions

8 Have a plan For class For each rank For each student

9 Applications Basics: know 3 bunkai Ability to Apply: throw/ nikkyo/ strike/ ground work/ from side instead of front From 10,000 things know one...from one thing know 10,000

10 What is important? What are the 3 most important points for effective: strike/ block kick throw joint lock

11 Let students learn But you don’t have to do everything for them... Keep them focused on things that matter Drill, monitor, drill Set high expectations

12 Give Opportunity to Go Deeper Friendship workout Gasshuku gives you lots of time in one area One extra class per week for just... weapons or groundwork or kata Find a way to make it happen: Park/ Garage/ other dojo Demos: work their tech to perfection, faster, shaper, more kime - give them a variation at end for flair/challenge. work this for a least 1month

13 Give Homework Help them Create their personal practice 10 min per day of basics Goshinjutsu shadow boxing kata reading list bunkai challenge

14 Teach: strive for perfection Instead of giving more - get student to perfect yoko geri, kiba dachi - whatever they don’t do well [less can be more] “To create a master one needs to work both the strengths and the weaknesses” When teaching - what, how and why - focus on what and how but come back to why on occasion

15 Challenge You don’t have to give student everything they want... Emphasize clean basics and lines - let them work on it Earnest work outs are part of martial tradition - don’t let it go - if you aren’t in shape improvement will come slowly

16 Exposure to SR It should be just part of the training that you go to: Nationals Yudansha workshop Visit other dojo Gasshuku

17 Finish with Something Enjoyable Getting better is fun Fast self defense is fun Death walk is fun Circle of death is fun Circle of pain is fun Rolling is fun Doing is fun

18 You Should Never Feel Stranded Shoshin Ryu is here for you: call/ email/ go see me brian a SR friend or dojo board-member

19 It Won’t All Go Well If the Church can’t get it right every time after centuries of practice then we can’t expect you to either... And that is ok. Laugh, learn from it, forgive others and move on.

20 So you made a mistake Don’t fret, don’t get angry and certainly don’t drink this much... Learn, laugh, forgive yourself and move on. to wallow in your your failures is not helpful to anyone.

21 Solve the Problem Be creative See how others have solved the problem Use your Heiho see SR Guidebook Never stop flying the plane

22 So take time to plan How will you get more depth into your students? How many extra focus training sessions will you have? How will you be more efficient with training time? Write it down - now

23 Find the Middle Way Guardrails too deep: students stagnant too little Deep Depth: can’t solve goshinjutsu problems. Can only move in certain order. limited application. Use time wisely Drill to excel Remind student as they are doing Praise good motion Plan: monitor balance

24 We Will Now Train Teach a Basic new group of students (and how deal with usual problems - what are they? Brian will help pass these out) what are key points that make a difference? brown belts example of application 4 groups - how to challenge each group Challenging - how do that? Is it fun? Push them.

25 Eiheiji

26 Gokukuji

27 Kashima Shrine

28 Kamakura

29 Muranaga Soke & Tengu Book: Tengu-geijutsu-ron of Chozan Shissai

30 Thank you for your... Time & Attention!

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