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What is happening in this picture? What can you infer from this picture?

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Presentation on theme: "What is happening in this picture? What can you infer from this picture?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is happening in this picture? What can you infer from this picture?



4 Medieval Art : Entree de la Reine Isabeau de Baviere a Paris, 1389

5 Brief History of Medieval Art  The medieval period is also known as the dark ages.  500-1500 CE  How was information spread:  Main forms of art or communication were:  Architecture  Sculpture (What types?)  Painting (Types?)  Books (Illuminated Manuscripts)  Other Writing  Who could read and write?

6 Art of the Middle Ages 500-1500  The BIG IDEA: The Reign of Religion  WHY?  Fall of Roman Empire in 476 CE  Rise and Spread of Christianity  Rise during first 100 years.  313 CE, Emperor Constantine ruled that Christianity was legal and that Christians would no longer be persecuted for their beliefs.  It meant only that it was now legal to worship Roman gods or to be Christian. Every other religion was still illegal.  The lack of religious freedom in ancient Rome contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire in 476.

7 Art of the Middle Ages 500-1500  The BIG IDEA: The Reign of Religion  Painting

8 Art of the Middle Ages 500-1500

9 The Devil in Artwork Good vs. Evil Theme Serious or melancholy themes are common. Most non- religious paintings were commissioned works. WHY?

10 Arch. of the Middle Ages 500-1500 Hagia Sophia, Constantinople, Turkey Built 532-537 BYZANTINE

11 Arch. of the Middle Ages 500-1500 St. Sernin, Toulouse, France Built 1080-? ROMANESQUE

12 Art of the Middle Ages 500-1500 REIMS CATHEDRAL, France Built 1194-1260 LATE-MEDIEVAL / GOTHIC

13 Art of the Middle Ages 500-1500 BIG IDEA: The Reign of Religion, primarily Christianity What is the point behind the changing style? Why the change? Discuss with your neighbors...

14 Art of the Middle Ages 500-1500 THE SECOND BIG IDEA: The culture and heritage of a group of people will be a part of the context of their artworks. Culture: the attitude, feelings, values, & behaviors that make up a society. Context: political, social, cultural, and economic setting for a particular idea or event.

15 Medieval Places, Peoples, and their Natural Environment Architecture and Environment with Pen and Ink and Watercolor

16 Finished Student Examples

17 Step #1  Find an image of a medieval building in color that you would like to draw that includes some landscape around it. Years 500 to 1500 AD.  Find a color image of a small bird on a branch or other object that interests you that you could put into the foreground of your architectural picture (ex. sparrow, swallow, blue jay, cardinal, or oriole).  We will use the grid method to draw the building and bird. (Draw your grid very light!)

18 Color Picture of Medieval Architecture

19 Color Picture of Bird

20 Other Tasks  Make sure to write down the name of the building and where it is located at. <----Chetnole Church, Salibury, England.

21 Other Tasks  Write down the name of the bird on the branch or object also. It is important to know what you are drawing! Sparrow ---------->

22 Materials Needed  MATERIALS USED IN THIS PROJECT:  - HB Pencil  - Layout paper  - 11”x17” paper, or larger  - Ruler for Grid  - Pens  - Black India ink  - A piece of paper towel – to wipe your pens on  - Tissues, for resting your hand upon – fingers leave greasy marks on the paper and the ink won’t take kindly to it.

23 Grid Your Drawing Out

24 Using Pen and Ink  Use pen and ink to draw your image on the grid, you may lightly draw it out in pencil first if you choose, you will then need to go over your lines with pen.

25 Inking The Bird

26 Inking The Medieval Building Shading!

27 Practice Break:  Practice with the pen and ink the following types of shading:  Hatching, Cross-Hatching, Scumbling, Contour Hatching.  Each should show variation from light to dark. VOCAB?  Intaglio Chairoscuro Brayer

28 Inking The Medieval Building (cont.) Shading Differences in how you shade your objects will help to create tone in your work.

29 The Bird and the Building

30 Foreground & Background  Remember your bird will be in the foreground…if your bird will be directly in-front of or covering part of your building make sure you draw that part of the bird first and the building second.

31 Super Realistic  Try your best  Give this one all your effort!  We will talk about color theory when the ink drawings are complete and will add color to our drawings with watercolor.

32 What Does Pen and Ink Drawing Look Like?

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