 Paleolithic Era, the Sahara and the Nile River valleys  The earliest evidence of humans in Egypt date back around 500,000 – 700,000 years ago  The.

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2  Paleolithic Era, the Sahara and the Nile River valleys  The earliest evidence of humans in Egypt date back around 500,000 – 700,000 years ago  The type of humans were human erectus

3  The Sahara had an abundance of vegetation and food  The abundance of vegetation and food lasted till around 30,000BC, which is when it dried up

4  During the Middle Paleolithic humans began to take the form of Homo neanderthalensis  During the Upper Paleolithic (around 30,000BC) desertification took place in the Sahara  With desertification taking place, people were forced to migrate closer to the Nile River

5  During the beginning of people migrating to the Nile River, it was not crowed, then more and more people came over time  The increase in civilians called for a need for government  3000BC – the first pharaoh was in power and Egypt was united

6  Around 525BC – Egypt is conquered by the Persians  Egypt goes into seven different time periods

7  Old Kingdom (2686-2160 BC)  First Intermediate Period (2160-2040 BC)  Middle Kingdom (2040-1633 BC)  Second Intermediate Period (1786-1558 BC)  New Kingdom(1558-1085 BC)  Third Intermediate Period (1085-525 BC)

8  Pyramids are built to be the tombs of pharaohs  Around 2200BC there was a change in climate  Egypt came apart into a bunch of smaller kingdoms

9  The pharaohs work together to pull Egypt under one unit  When Egypt arrived as one unit it turned into the Middle Kingdom  Middle Kingdom pharaohs were weaker than the Old Kingdom pharaohs  During 1800BC, the pharaohs lost power  Pyramids were not built anymore

10  The Hyksos from the north invade Egypt and rule over lower Egypt for a while  Horses and Chariots came into use  Around 1500BC, the pharaohs are able to push of the Hyksos and reunite Egypt again, leading to the New Kingdom

11  According to the Bible, Jews are slaves in Egypt  A general crisis happens around the Eastern Mediterranean and West Asia  As the Mycenaeans and the Hittites collapsed, so did the Egyptian government

12  East African Kings rule  They ruled from south of Egypt in Nubia and they ruled most of Egypt

13  The soul is made of three parts: Ba, Ka, and Akh  None of the souls can live without each other  If one soul died, all of them died  Mummification kept all the souls alive

14  Was seen as a scared bond  Egyptian statues and writings show that men and women in a relationship were dependent on one another

15  Their hair was shaved off or cut short  A long lock of hair was left on the side of the head  The lock of hair was known as the “side-lock of youth”

16  Hair was in a natural wave or curl  Preferred short cuts or neck length bobs  Women in the New Kingdom wore their hair long and sometimes wore a wig

17  Wore short hair cuts, leaving the ears to be visible  They wore their hair like this until they started to get much older

18  Houses were made out of bricks which were produced by mud  Leather buckets were used to collect the mud and take it to the building site  Straw and pebbles were added to the mud to make it stronger

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