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Presentation on theme: "Www.unep.org/gpa/gpml GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP ON MARINE LITTER."— Presentation transcript:


2 Background SECTION ONE UNEP Global Initiative on Marine Litter 2003 Fifth International Marine Debris Conference (UNEP & NOAA) Honolulu Commitment Development of Honolulu Strategy Manila Declaration Furthering the GPA, 64 Gov. and the EC) 20112012 Regional Assessments and action plans  Global Overview Monitoring guidelines, ALDFG, market-based instruments Decision on Marine Litter UNEA-2 Study on plastics and microplastics UN Environmental Assembly (UNEA) 2014 Establishment of a multi-stakeholder Global Partnership on Marine Litter (Rio +20) Guided by HS (focal areas); feeding into GP on Waste Management www.unep.org/gpa/gpml/

3 Framework which includes basic principles that can be used all over the world, regardless of specific conditions or challenges. Does not supplant or supersede existing activities, rather it provides a focal point for improved collaboration and coordination amongst stakeholders. Honolulu Strategy Common frame of reference for collabor ation and sharing of best practices and lessons learned; Planning tool To measure progress across multiple programs and projects. Monitoring tool

4 1 To address the ecological, human health, animal welfare and economic impacts of marine litter worldwide. 2 4 5 36 Objectives SECTION TWO www.uncep.org/gpa/gpml/ To enhance international cooperation and coordination through the promotion and implementation of the HS & the HC. To promote knowledge management, information sharing and monitoring of progress on the implementation of the HS. To promote resource efficiency and economic development through waste prevention (e.g. 4Rs) and by recovering valuable material and/or energy from waste. To increase awareness on marine litter sources, fate and impacts To assess emerging issues related to the fate and potential influence of marine litter, such as (micro) plastics & associated transfer of pollutants.

5 Structure SECTION TREE www.uncep.org/gpa/gpml/

6 Resources SECTION FOUR www.uncep.org/gpa/gpml/

7 Benefits of joining SECTION FIVE www.uncep.org/gpa/gpml/ Building of, and being part of a multi-stakeholder network of experts Facilitating dialogue and action by using its convening power to bring together various groups of stakeholders Identifying priority activities and steps to be taken Pooling resources by centralizing the request for and coordination of external financing, technical resources and assistance. Sharing information and exchanging knowledge and best practices to catalyze action and facilitate informed decision-making. Feeding into the work (and vice versa) of the Global Partnership on Waste Management, where marine litter is one of the focal areas, thereby ensuring that marine litter management efforts are closely tied to efforts to reduce waste. Developing common messaging to avoid misconceptions and errors. Promoting/identifying innovative solutions by using collective knowledge and expertise

8 Opportunities for member engagement SECTION SIX www.uncep.org/gpa/gpml/ Webinar Marine Litter Network GPML Register Project map is being upgraded, making it easier than ever to use Directory gives members access to the GPML community Members can share websites and activities Members can present their activities and find out what other members are doing Participate Members can engage with the Global Partnership on Marine Litter by:

9 Possible Member Contribution SECTION SEVEN www.uncep.org/gpa/gpml/ MOOC The Massive Open Online Course on Marine Litter CAMPAIGN The MOOC will stimulate leadership and offer opportunities for actionable and change oriented learning relating to marine litter within the framework of the GPML The course is free of charge at BSc level Students will learn the environmental impact and societal relevance of marine litter problems, along with technical solutions The GPML is seeking partners to contribute to the MOOC Land-based sources Sea-based sources Marine Litter Campaign

10 Communications Plan SECTION HEIGHT www.uncep.org/gpa/gpml/ Communication tool for members to use. It is a live document that can be updated. Defines coordinated messaging to promote Outlines tools/activities/promotion materials that can be used Supports the strategic objectives of the Partnership

11 Regional Nodes SECTION NINE www.uncep.org/gpa/gpml/ Bring regional expertise, network, cater for region specific situations?  LBS: Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans, National focal points, partner organizations  SBS: Regional Fisheries Bodies  Recovery/removal : local and central government authorities Key stakeholders to engage? Networks to consider? What is the role of the Regional/national nodes/fora?

12 JOIN US Thank you for your attention www.unep.org/gpa/gpml www.marinelitternetwork.org

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