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Collaborative Reformation of Curricula on Resilience Management with Intelligent Systems in Open Source and Augmented Reality Dissemination Plan Elisabetta.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborative Reformation of Curricula on Resilience Management with Intelligent Systems in Open Source and Augmented Reality Dissemination Plan Elisabetta."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborative Reformation of Curricula on Resilience Management with Intelligent Systems in Open Source and Augmented Reality Dissemination Plan Elisabetta Trenta Diego Cioce

2 Purpose and scope of Dissemination Management Plan
Dissemination is a management function that is vital for the implementation and the success of the Project. It calls for co-operation and co-ordination within, between and among the actors involved in the management and execution of the project RESINT. The Dissemination Plan forms an integral part of the project implementation and aims to ensure that project disseminations are well coordinated, effectively managed and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public. Strong and targeted communication will stimulate the achievement of the project goals and demonstrate their added value. In the same time, it will ensure that the project is visible, accessible and accountable to the public. The purpose of this document is to define the dissemination goals and strategies of the Project RESINT. These high-level strategies and goals are intended to provide guidance in planning and measuring results of the current and future dissemination efforts.

3 The Dissemination Plan
The dissemination plan will follow the following steps: to define the target audience (stakeholders analysis) to which we want to direct the message; to define the message in properly way: clear, concise and persuasive messages; to choose the most appropriate and effective communication channels depending on the communication activity and target audience; to implement the communication activities to convey the message to the target audience. Definition of the message Definition of the target audience (stakeholders analysis) Implementation of the communication activities Selection of communication channels and media DISSEMINATION

4 Target Group definition
It’s very important to effectively raise awareness the target appropriate audiences. To do that the following questions must be analyzed: Who can benefit from the results of the project and how? Why this project is important for the target audience? When the significant results of the project can be demonstrated? How can the dissemination Team efficiently contact potential and users? Identification of the Traget Groups (Stakeholeder Analysis) Classification of the stakeholders in five groups Creation of five mailing list according to the different target groups NGO operators Academic Staff National Public Entity Local Public Entity Business/Enterprises

5 … to collect information on the Target Group
Name of the organization Target Group Interests in the project Contact name address Additional information/note Deadline is 30 January 2015 All the consortium will collect these information on national stakeholders

6 Definition of the Message
The objective is to communicate the project results through clear, concise and persuasive messages. Creation of the contents according to the phase of the project and target group The Steering Committee will approve the contents and the dissemination tools format Production of the Dissemination Tools Leaflets Brochures Banners Promotional items Photographs Press releases News Letters Logo

7 The Official Logo The dissemination of the project starts with the project visibility. To achieve maximum visibility the project needs a personality. The project identity is linked with a graphically coherent and consistent representation of the Resint Logo on the project results and documentation . It’s necessary that every event, presentation, newsletter, deliverable, leaflets etc. make use this image and be consistent with its style. An attractive graphical representation helps provide interested parties with the message that the project conveys. Official Logo of the Resint project

8 Leaflets Leaflets can provide basic factual information and the address (such as a mailing address or web site) where further information can be found; It will be developed 1 leaflet with basic factual information described above. This document will be produced in an electronic format, in all the languages of the project. The information will be structured between the inside and the outside of the leaflet. In the outside the following information will be placed: Title Logo of the project Information of the acknowledged of the EU co-funding Contact data of the Coordinator of the project Information of the consortium partners: logos, countries and names of the partners In the inside following information has been placed: Objective Impact

9 Sample of Leaflet of the Resint project

10 Brochures Brochures can go into greater detail, highlighting the context, including interviews with stakeholders, beneficiaries, and so on. It will be developed 1 brochure with greater detail about the project activities and results. This document will be produced in an electronic format, in all the languages of the project. Sample of Brochure of the Resint project

11 Newsletters Banners Photographs
Newsletters are characterized by their regularity, and can be issued to inform on the progress of an action. This is useful, for example for training programs, where the impact of an action can be appreciated over time. It will be developed 3 newsletters to inform on the progress of the project and main activities realized. This document will be produced in an electronic format, in all the languages of the project and in English. Banners Plastic or textile banners similar to the example below will be produced: It will be used in specific events such as inaugurations and conferences: Photographs Photographs showing the progress and implementation of all actions should be inserted in communicative documents (their launch, visits by EU officials, and so on). The photos chosen should be those which will best illustrate the results and impact of the action, and should match any written information on the action.

12 Promotional items Promotional items will be distributed when specified in the communication strategy of an action. All kinds of promotional items (in particular folders, bags and pens) can be produced as supporting materials for their information and communication activities in the framework of their action. The promotional items produced will be clearly identified with the EU flag and if possible carry the words “European Union; the Press and Information Officer at the EU Delegation should be consulted before the approval of the items outline.

13 Press Releases Press releases can be a very useful contribution to the communication activities around an action. As a general rule, a press release should be issued at the start of all actions. Where the implementing partner or international organization launches the press release in the context of the action, it should liaise with the Press and Information Officer at the EU Delegation or the relevant Commission department before sending it out. The release should incorporate the EU flag, mention that funding was provided by the EU and mention the amount of EU funding in euro and in the local currency , the press release should include the name of an EU personality who will be present at the press conference, if appropriate. The release should be dated at the top and should also indicate when the information may be released. A newsworthy press release should contain: a heading, a strong leading paragraph summarizing the essential facts, the main body of the story, quotes, some background information, and contact details for further information. The release should be kept to one side of an A4 page whenever possible; if it is longer, ‘more follows’ should be written at the bottom of every subsequent page. At the end of the document, make sure to write ‘End’. After ‘End’, the press release should provide the name of at least one person whom the journalist can contact for further information.

14 … in order to collect the press realeses and other pubblications
PUBLICATION/PRESS RELEASE Printed On Line Name of the publication: Number and date of publication: Web Address Type of publication (article, press release, advertisement ): Type of publication (article, press release, banner, link) Title of the article, press release, advert. Title of the article, press release, banner. Range of pages in the publication: Link to the publication Target audience: Target audience Impact (number of readers) Cost (€) *PDF of jpg the publication *PDF or Screenshot of the publication

15 Selection of communication channels and media
The objective is to choose the most appropriate and effective communication channels depending on the communication activity and target audience Selection of the following media and communication channels to disseminate the output produces and information on the project: Website Newspapers Magazines Radio Facebook Twitter Mailing list Events Udanet is responsible of the website management and updating. All the consortium will be committed to identify the proper media of communication. The information on Facebook and Twitter will be update by Unibo.

16 … in order to get information on local and national media
Type (TV, radio, newspapers) Contact name address Additional information/note Deadline is 30 January 2015 All the consortium will collect these information

17 Dissemination tools and media channels
Leaflets Website Facebook Mailing List Events Brochures Website Facebook Mailing List Events Banners Events Promotional items Events Photographs Events Newspapers Magazines Mailing List Website Facebook Press releases Newspapers Magazines Website Facebook Twitter News Letters Mailing List Website Facebook

18 Resint Website Screenshot of the Resint Website
Resint website is the main promotional tool for publishing project results as well as a managing the network and provide access to the information. The URL address of the web page is the following: It provides a wide range of functionalities including: event, publication, material and latest news. It is the main source of information on the project, on its initiatives such as events and training modules. The language of the website is English (instructions, functions, button etc.). On the website it would be very important to create a link on facebook and twitter Screenshot of the Resint Website

19 Conferences Italy : Unibo and Sudgestaid (P1) and (P5)
During the project will be arranged 4 conferences/seminars in the beneficiary countries of the project: United Kingdom : University of Salford (P2) Italy : Unibo and Sudgestaid (P1) and (P5) Lithuania: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (P3) Spain: to identify the project partner responsible for this activity. The objective of the conferences is to inform the stakeholders on the project activities and output produced. It is aimed at raising awareness among academic, NGO operators, public entity and others relevant stakeholders present at these events. The organization of events will be encouraged by each partner and the coordination with the partner responsible for dissemination activities is very important. During each conference will be distributed the dissemination material (leaflet, brochure, banner, promotional items etc.). The planning of the conferences will be carried out according to the phases of the project and the output produced. The conferences must be organized respecting the rules of the European Union. During the Piloting Committe it’s very important to decide about the conference in Spain and the period of for each conference.

20 The Budget for the dissemination tools
Partner No. Project Partner Material Amount Event P1 UNIBO University of Bologna Banners, brochures, leaflets, promotional items 1.500 Euro Conference in Italy P2 University of Salford Conference in UK P3 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University  Conference in Lithuania P5 SUDGESTAID SCARL brochures, leaflets 1.000 Euro P6 Metaforum S.L.  brochures, leaflets, promotional items Conference in Spain P8 Association of Local Authorities in Lithuania P10 Ud’ANET University G.D’Annunzio New Enterprise Technology brochures, leaflets,

21 Dissemination success indicators
Item Dissemination Success Indicators Source and means of Verification 4 Conferences realized in Italy, UK, Spain and Lithuania At least 100 attendants for each conference Communication Report and registers of the attendants Leaflets At least 300 leaflets produced for each country distributed to the conferences Communication Report Brochures N. of 1000 brochures printed and distributed to the conferences and in other relevant international events Newsletter N. of three Newsletters produced Website Press Release At least 30 press releases realized communication report More than 2000 people have access to the website until the end of the project Website report

22 … In order to report the events
This form must be completed and sent to SudgestAid ) with copy to UNIBO EVENT Name of the event: Organizers Date and duration: Location of the event: Target audience Nº attendants Cost (€) Narrative Report *Attached Photos

23 Others Project in Resilience Management field
Training Activity Training also constitutes a pragmatic extension of the dissemination strategy. Training offers direct results to the dissemination efforts and valorize project results. The results from the training modules on Resilience management will be beneficial to the project in several distinct ways. Trainees will become a body that will be instrumental in disseminating project results to diverse users in new professional environments. Others Project in Resilience Management field In the interest of extending the scope of dissemination efforts, Resint intends to establish synergies with other projects in resilience management field. The planning of the events, the sharing and integration of information provided on the web, and the preparation of common dissemination material are among the actions that may be undertaken to foster collaboration among the projects. Planning the effective dissemination of the project progress and results requires that the partners share the same guidelines and planning strategy. The dissemination activities may be carried out at the level of partners’ own organizations at consortium level, regionally or nationally, across the EU and globally.

24 The Rules of the European Union – the official logo
For any publication, poster, gadget, etc produced with Lifelong Learning Programme support, beneficiaries have the obligation to use the official logo and graphic identity related to the Lifelong Learning Programme. According to this rule, adequate visibility will be given to the funding authority, for example stemming reports and materials of the project or during public events associated with the action.

25 Brochures and leaflets
The written mention Beneficiaries have an obligation to publicly acknowledge the support received from the European Union. The preferred option to communicate about EU funding is to write “Co-funded by the European Union” as appropriate next to the EU emblem on the communication material where the EU emblem is used. The positioning of the text in relation to the EU emblem is not prescribed in any particular way but the text should not interfere with the emblem in any way. Brochures and leaflets All leaflets and brochures should incorporate the basic elements of the EU visual identity, i.e. the EU flag and the disclaimer (The EU is not responsible for the contents of communication material prepared by contractors, implementing partners or international organizations. These must therefore include the following disclaimer in their publications: “This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of <name of the author/contractor/implementing partner/international organization> and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.” ) and project details, contact name, address, telephone, fax, and web site. Leaflets and brochures produced by a contractor and/or implementing partner must also incorporate a definition of the EU. Furthermore, in these cases, the cover page must clearly identify the action as being part of an EU-funded action.

26 …. Press realeses Appropriate visibility
The release should incorporate the EU flag, mention that funding was provided by the EU and mention the amount of EU funding in euro and in the local currency , the press release should include the name of an EU personality who will be present at the press conference, if appropriate. Appropriate visibility Communication should focus on development with the EU as partner and on the achievements and impact of the action, not on administrative or procedural milestones. In order to maximize the impact of communication efforts: Activities need to be timely Information used must be accurate Activities should be coordinated closely with the Commission The right audience(s) should be targeted Messages should interest the target audience(s) Activities should be appropriate in terms of resources spent, timing and expected impact.

27 The Dissemination Plan Table
Target Group Definition Definition of the message to disseminate Selection of the communication channels and media Objective To define the target audience (stakeholders analysis) to which we want to direct the message To define clear, concise and persuasive messages - communicate the project results To choose the most appropriate and effective communication channels depending on the communication activity and target audience; Activity it will be defined 5 kind of target group: Academic Sector NGO operators Public Entity at national level Public entity at local level Business Enterprises Creation of 5 mailing list according to the 5 kind of target group. Creation of the contents to disseminate according to the phases of the project and the target group. Production of the dissemination tools: leaflets, brochures, newsletters, banners, promotional items, press releases etc. Selection of the following media and communication channels to disseminate the output produces and information on the project: Website Newspapers Magazines Radio Facebook Twitter Mailing list Events (conferences, seminars, workshops, cultural days) Project Partner responsibility All the consortium will be committed to identify the target group coordinated by Unibo (P1) All the consortium will be committed on the creation of the contents. The approval will be coordinated by Unibo (P1). Sudgestaid (P5)will verify if the dissemination tools produced is respecting the EU Rules . Udanet is responsible of the website management. All the consortium will be committed to identify the proper media The information on Facebook and Twitter will be update by Unibo. Conferences Conference in UK: University of Salford (P2) Conference in Italy: Unibo and Sudgestaid (P1) and (P5) Conference in Lithuania: Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (P3) Conference in Spain: to identify the partner for this activity. (See the attachment 1 to report the communication activity)

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