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Alhambra Palace Source 1 S 100 14 th century Alhambra Palace-Fortress in Granada is Moorish architectural masterpiece. Influenced by flowers and vines.

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Presentation on theme: "Alhambra Palace Source 1 S 100 14 th century Alhambra Palace-Fortress in Granada is Moorish architectural masterpiece. Influenced by flowers and vines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alhambra Palace Source 1 S 100 14 th century Alhambra Palace-Fortress in Granada is Moorish architectural masterpiece. Influenced by flowers and vines. MF

2 Cordoba Source 1 S 97 Cordoba is considered epitome of Moorish culture today. Has 600-by-450 foot shrine, which rivals Islam’s in Mecca. MF

3 Religion Source 1 Q 97 In mosque domed mihrab, “praise to Allah who led us to this place” MF

4 Architecture Source 1 S 103 Carving plaster walls with geometric patterns is still used today and was widely used by Moorish architects. – Methods they used MF

5 Village of Chechaouene Source 1 Q 104 “Haven for Moors escaping the Spanish Reconquista, the village of Chechaouene” MF

6 Architecture Source 1 S 101 Moors favored four types of arches: horeshoe, Roman, pointed, and complex many-lobed arch. Used simple geometry to create complicated and simple patterns on tile work MF

7 Andalusia/Religion Source 1 S 96 Andalusia is full of Islamic culture and is complete with descriptive terms used in the Holly Koran. MF

8 Defeating Christian Army Source 1 S 92 Spring 711 Tariq and 12,000 Muslims defeated King Roderic (Spain’s Visigoth King) and Christian army. MF

9 Background Information Source 1 S 88 Muslim conquerors of Spain never used term “Moors” and was given it due to arriving from Morocco. Were Arabs from Damascus and Medina. Brought no women. MF

10 Cordoba Source 1 Q 88 “In its heyday under the Moors the city of Cordoba boasted half a million inhabitants, 500 mosques, and 300 public baths, and was rivaled only by Constantinople and Baghdad.” MF

11 Cordoba Source 1 Q 119 Talking about old Muslim capital, Cordoba: “No other artifact more richly evokes the golden age of the Moors, a stormy millennium that devetailed two faiths, two cultures, two continents.” MF

12 Fall of Granada Source 1 Q 114 Above Granada at the pass called Suspiro del Moro, the sign of the Moor where Boabdil cried as looked back over kingdom. Aisha his mom said “Fitting you cry like a woman over what you could not defend like a man.” MF

13 Background Information Source 1 S 87 Muslim Arabs left the Middle East in 7 th century A.D. into the Iberian Penninsula. Known as Moors and ruled for almost 800 years. Left behind cultural legacy in Spain and Morocco. MF

14 Almoravids Source 1 S 106 Almoravids were army of Berber fundamentalists sent for by Spanish Muslims. They took power for themselves to unite Muslim Spain with N. Africa. Ruled from capital in Marrakech. Slowly, desert warriors succumbed to Moorish luxury MF

15 Cordoba/Christian Army Source 1 S 106 Cordoba fell to Christian Reconquista in 1236 and Muslim lands shrank to a 200-mile-long bastion in Spain’s rugged southeast, from Gibraltar to past Almeria. MF

16 Islamic Traditions Source 1 Q 107 “ ‘Strict Islamic tradition discourages the making of ‘graven images’, so painting and sculpture never flourished among the Moors.’” MF

17 The Language Arabic Source 1 S 107 Moors more interested in language then paintings and sculptures. Arabic is great language due to flowing calligraphy, sonorous sounds, and vocab. MF

18 Moors Rule in Spain Source 1 S 109 Under the Moors, Spain enjoyed a degree of cultural achievement that was unbeatable by rest of Europe. Scholars from the world gathered in Toledo to translate into Latin the original works of Aristotle, Euclid and Ptolemy-long since lost. MF

19 Berber Tribesmen Source 1 S 110 Ancestors of Berber tribesmen, converted to Islam by Moors and helped conquer Spain. MF

20 Music/Alhambra Source 1 S 110 Music sung by Spanish Muslims that entertained courtiers in Alhambra, is music still played today by their ancestors. MF

21 Alpujarras Source 1 S 112 Remote Alpujarras region in mountains of Southeastern Spain provided refuge for more than century of Spanish Muslims who’d refused to accept Christianity. Were fleeing religious persecution after recapture of Granada in in 1492. Spanish inquisition in early 1600s drove them to exile. MF

22 Alpujarras Source 1 S 114 Halfway up Spain’s highest peak in remote villages of Alpujarras, were last domains of Moors in Spain. Last Moorish ruler was Muhammad Abu-Abdullah (known to Spaniards as Boabdil). Last of Moors driven into exile in 1609. MF

23 Toledo Source 1 S 103 Fall of city Toledo caused the Spanish Muslims to be desperate MF

24 Arts Source 6 S 210 Arabs concentrated on wood and metalwork, leather craft, ceramics, inlays of ivory, bookbinding, gold and silver. Developed arabesque and arts of calligraphy. MF

25 Influences Source 6 S 210 The lute, guitar, rebeck and tambourine were all introduced to the West by Arabs (Moors). Spanish flamenco influenced by Arabic rhythm and song-eventually Spanish flamenco became American jazz. Themes of chivalry and poetic forms influenced early Spanish and French works. MF

26 Alhambra Source 6 S 210 Alhambra Palace in Granada has Arab arts if calligraphy and arabesques. One of Islam’s most famous buildings,, which influenced architecture of Europe. Use of water as landscaping element in pools and fountains by Arabs, was adopted by others. MF

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