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Objective: Define classical conditioning and behaviorism, and describe the basic components of classical conditioning. BR: Observe the following demo.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: Define classical conditioning and behaviorism, and describe the basic components of classical conditioning. BR: Observe the following demo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: Define classical conditioning and behaviorism, and describe the basic components of classical conditioning. BR: Observe the following demo. Briefly describe what is happening

2 CAN, dish, CAN, bridge, scale, can, fan, board, CAN, cool, three, horn, disk, CAN, can, cast, test, pen, dime, CAN, dish, van, can, card, stand, meat, pad, can, dish, set, can, tree, ice, plum, can, cost, bird, glass, can, light, can, sword, juice, can, dish, rock, smoke, grease, dish, keep, kid, tan, dice, hole, set, dish, eye, friend, wax, bill, bulb, dish, class, mine, mark, work, can, dish, can, bus, dish, phone, can, smart, first, can, crack, feet, can, tub, bowl, can, van, day, can, rake, dish, CAN, bluff, risk, CAN, salt, dish, CAN, ball, stack, CAN, rain, hat, food, can, van, disk, tree, can, cup, can, lime, CAN, dish, girl, chalk, can, dish, CAN, key, screen, ran, CAN, disk, CAN, knob, bag, tape, CAN, dish, clip, CAN, air, ban, cheese, CAN, door, can, box, dish, hair, CAN, ring, nail, CAN, boat, cap, dish, CAN, crane, wheel, fire, CAN, dish, king, cape, apple, CAN, dog, blue, can, dish, CAN, take, call, brick, pair, CAN, spin, chair, CAN

3 John B. Watson-Behaviorism Psychology should be something that is observable

4 Classical Conditioning-in which organisms learn to associate stimuli and thus anticipate events Unconditioned Response (UR) – A reflexive, natural behavior (dog drooling) Unconditioned Stimulus (US) – A stimulus that brings about unconditioned response (the food) Neutral Stimulus – Doesn’t initially bring about a response (what was it in the Pavlovian model?) Conditioned Response (CR) – Happens through repeated pairings of the neutral stimulus (bell) and the US (the food) Conditioned Stimulus (CS) – A previously neutral stimulus (the bell) is paired repeatedly with an US and begins to get a CR

5 Classical Conditioning Terms Acquisition: initial stage in learning – When dog drools first time of bell Extinction: The CR (drool) will gradually weaken and eventually disappear when CS (bell) is presented without the US (food) – Spontaneous Recovery: the CR (drool) will suddenly appear in response to a CS (bell)

6 Problems with Classical Conditioning Generalization: When response is conditioned, similar stimuli elicit conditioned response – Door bell rings dog drools Discrimination-learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli that are similar – Example: fear of pitbulls not golden retrievers

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