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Classical Conditioning. Behaviorism Study observable behavior – Prize and punishments – How people react to certain stimuli – What can I do to make you.

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Presentation on theme: "Classical Conditioning. Behaviorism Study observable behavior – Prize and punishments – How people react to certain stimuli – What can I do to make you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classical Conditioning

2 Behaviorism Study observable behavior – Prize and punishments – How people react to certain stimuli – What can I do to make you score better? – What can I do to make the opposite sex like me?

3 Pavlov and Classical Conditioning Classical Conditioning- type of learning where an organism comes to associate to different stimuli with a certain response – Example: hear a dog bark and I know he bites after he barks. I get scared once I hear the bark – It is both objective and obserable

4 Terms form Classical Conditioning UCS-an event that elicits a certain predictable response typically without previous training UCR-an organisms automatic response to a stimuli Neutral Stimulus-at first does not elicit response CS-a once neutral event that elicits a given response after a period of training in which it has been paired with an unconditioned stimulus CR-learned reaction to cs Acquisition

5 Observe the demo: In this demo, give an example of: UCS, UCR, CS, CR, Discrimination, generalization CAN, dish, CAN, bridge, scale, can, fan, board, CAN, cool, three, horn, disk, CAN, can, cast, test, pen, dime, CAN, dish, van, can, card, stand, meat, pad, can, dish, set, can, tree, ice, plum, can, cost, bird, glass, can, light, can, sword, juice, can, dish, rock, smoke, grease, dish, keep, kid, tan, dice, hole, set, dish, eye, friend, wax, bill, bulb, dish, class, mine, mark, work, can, dish, can, bus, dish, phone, can, smart, first, can, crack, feet, can, tub, bowl, can, van, day, can, rake, dish, CAN, bluff, risk, CAN, salt, dish, CAN, ball, stack, CAN, rain, hat, food, can, van, disk, tree, can, cup, can, lime, CAN, dish, girl, chalk, can, dish, CAN, key, screen, ran, CAN, disk, CAN, knob, bag, tape, CAN, dish, clip, CAN, air, ban, cheese, CAN, door, can, box, dish, hair, CAN, ring, nail, CAN, boat, cap, dish, CAN, crane, wheel, fire, CAN, dish, king, cape, apple, CAN, dog, blue, can, dish, CAN, take, call, brick, pair, CAN, spin, chair, CAN, camp.

6 UCS- water gun squirted UCR-flinch or squint CR: flinch or squint CS: word can acquisition: can starts to elicit CR Stimulus Discrimination: Words that do not sound like can= no flinch Stimulus Generalization: words like can= flinch

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