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OMB Circular A-16 Supplemental Guidance (Endorsed) Ivan DeLoatch, Staff Director Lew Sanford Jr. & Wendy Blake-Coleman NGAC Meeting, February 4, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "OMB Circular A-16 Supplemental Guidance (Endorsed) Ivan DeLoatch, Staff Director Lew Sanford Jr. & Wendy Blake-Coleman NGAC Meeting, February 4, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 OMB Circular A-16 Supplemental Guidance (Endorsed) Ivan DeLoatch, Staff Director Lew Sanford Jr. & Wendy Blake-Coleman NGAC Meeting, February 4, 2009

2 2 Overview/Context What is an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular? Simply stated….Circulars are instructions or information issued by OMB to Federal agencies. What is OMB Circular A-16, Coordination of Geographic Information, and Related Spatial Data Activities Provides direction for federal agencies that produce, maintain or use spatial data either directly or indirectly in the fulfillment of their mission Establishes a coordinated approach to electronically develop the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) and establishes the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Assign agency roles and responsibilities for the development of the NSDI

3 3 Overview/Context What is the purpose of OMB Circular A-16 Provides for improvements in coordination and use of spatial data Describes the effective and economical use and management of spatial data assets in the digital environment for the benefit of the government and the nation Affirms and describes the NSDI as the technology, policies, standards, human resources, and related activities necessary to acquire, process, distribute, use, maintain, and preserve spatial data Describes the management and reporting requirements of Federal agencies in the acquisition, maintenance, distribution, use, and preservation of spatial data by the Federal Government Establishes the FGDC as the interagency coordinating body for NSDI-related activities, chaired by the Secretary of the Interior with the Deputy Director for Management, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as Vice-Chair.

4 4 Overview/Context Primary objectives of OMB Circular A-16 Supplemental Guidance: Provide accountability mechanism (s), robust management processes, and a means of measuring performance Provide clarity in definitions, reporting requirements, and Agency roles and responsibilities

5 5 Agenda Thank you NGAC Subcommittee What is Geospatial LoB & Lifecycle WG? Transparency of process A-16 Supplemental NGAC Comments Next steps

6 6 What is the Geospatial Line of Business? The Geospatial LoB is a government-wide initiative sponsored by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) promoting effective geospatial investment and better performance across the Federal government for technology and information Lifecycle Working Group – evaluates/improves geospatial data management processes extensively engaging federal partner agencies.

7 7 Transparent process The National Geospatial Advisory Committee appointed a special NGAC Subcommittee to aid FGDC and the Geospatial LoB to obtain a broader view of proposed A-16 Supplemental Guidance We appreciate your insights as we advance discussion across the geospatial community of interest.

8 8 Review process Obtain feedback on draft document including federal, state liaisons and NGAC Subcommittee Conducted parallel reviews across groups Conducted multiple WebEx reviews with interactive dialogue Conducted formal adjudication and document edit process.

9 9 Purpose of A-16 Guidance Clarify the intent of OMB Circular A-16 (Circular A-16) and Executive Order (E.O.) 12906 Promote systematic portfolio management for Circular A-16 themes and associated data sets Improve ability to coordinate and collaborate on completion of Circular A-16 themes and associated data sets by Federal agencies and their partners Develop a process to modify Circular A-16 Appendix E themes and associated data sets to reflect the current business of Federal agencies and their partners

10 10 Benefits of A-16 Guidance Improved ability to identify coordination, collaboration, and investment opportunities across the Federal community and its partners Expedited completion of critical themes and associated data sets under Circular A-16 Enhanced priority setting capability of FGDC members and partners Increased ability to track progress for completing data sets and populating themes covered by Circular A-16 Increased ability to meet business needs of Federal Agencies and partners

11 11 Overview of A-16 Guidance Roles and Responsibilities Lexicon of Geospatial Terminology Stages of the Data Lifecycle Geospatial Data Theme Principles

12 12 Subcommittee impact on the document The adjudication team received 58 comments from the NGAC Subcommittee 22 comments were identified as editorial 31 identified for discussion points or other by the team of editors 4 were outside the scope of the current document.

13 13 NGAC Subcommittee impact Following a WebEx between working group members and the NGAC Subcommittee seven additional summary comments were provided 55 comments were included within the scope from the NGAC Subcommittee.

14 14 Subcommittee Comments addressed Importance of clarifying relationships & responsibilities, including identifying key stakeholders Document content was considered valuable, but OMB was advised to promote greater accountability from agencies

15 15 Subcommittee comments continued FGDC encouraged to update strategic planning annually Kudos on principles, lexicon, themes as presented in the document The subcommittee thought the supplemental guidance offered a good FEA tieback.

16 16 Subcommittee comments continued Although outside the scope of the A-16 Supplemental Guidance, NGAC Subcommittee discussed: Importance of governance Enforcement of agency geo-responsiblities Need for alignment of policymakers, budgets and collaboration.

17 17 Next Steps The FGDC, Geospatial LoB and working groups will be engaged around: Validate initial data sets Develop and provide implementation & reporting guidance Initiate charter reviews within FGDC structures to foster better collaboration and business alignment. Conduct reporting and analysis of “nationally significant geospatial datasets” Open dialogue on modifying OMB Circular A-16.

18 18 NGAC Governance/A-16 Subcommittee Thank you for your participation Accommodation of a challenging schedule Assistance in initiating a wider audience review, leading to additional and useful comments!

19 19 Questions ? Lew Sanford Jr. 703-648-4152

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