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Federal Geographic Data Committee Report October 2011 NGAC Meeting Ivan DeLoatch, Executive Director October 4, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Geographic Data Committee Report October 2011 NGAC Meeting Ivan DeLoatch, Executive Director October 4, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Geographic Data Committee Report October 2011 NGAC Meeting Ivan DeLoatch, Executive Director October 4, 2011

2 Topics A-16 Supplemental Guidance Data Themes for Portfolio Management Cloud Computing – Wetlands Mapper Metadata Summit Cooperative Agreements Program Coordination Group Co-Chair 2

3 Overview of A-16 Supplemental Guidance Released by OMB November 10, 2010 Defines a portfolio management approach for managing geospatial data assets Reference documents available on FGDC Federal Agency Representation Key Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities Processes for Revising OMB Circular A-16 Appendix E: NSDI Geospatial Data Theme Principles Stages of the Geospatial Data Lifecycle Lexicon of Geospatial Terminology 3

4 Purpose of A-16 Guidance Clarify the objectives outlined in OMB Circular A-16 (Circular A-16) and Executive Order (E.O.) 12906 Promote systematic portfolio management for Circular A-16 themes and associated data sets Improve ability to coordinate and collaborate on completion of Circular A-16 themes and associated data sets by Federal agencies and their partners Develop a process to modify Circular A-16 Appendix E themes and associated data sets to reflect the current business of Federal agencies and their partners 4

5 Portfolio Management Definition Tracking, maintaining, expanding, aligning assets to address and solve business needs Understanding what assets exist and ensuring that data is authoritative (trusted), consistent, current, applicable, and resourced 5

6 Value of Portfolio Management Portfolio management will support: A comprehensive approach for managing National Geospatial Data Assets A trusted Data offering on the Geospatial Platform Provides a better understanding of what data is available across agencies Informed decision making A basis for making sound investments The Geospatial Platform is the service and delivery mechanism for the Federal geospatial portfolio assets AND the integration point between Federal and State, local, Tribal, and non-governmental information sources 6

7 Organizing the Geospatial Portfolio Biota Cadastre Climate and Weather Cultural & Demographic Statistics Cultural Resources Elevation Geodetic Control Geology Governmental Units Imagery Land Use-Land Cover Real Property Soils Transportation Utilities Water – Inland Water – Oceans and Coasts Federal Geospatial Data Portfolio (NGDA Portfolio) NGDA Theme NGDA Dataset NGDA Theme NGDA Dataset NGDA Theme NGDA Dataset 7

8 Why organize data into Themes? Many geospatial datasets can be related to a broader category (e.g., watershed boundaries, wetlands, and hydrography all relate to water) Datasets that are related can be managed most effectively when organized into logical units, or Themes 8

9 Benefits from using a Theme based Portfolio Management approach Datasets from multiple agencies/sources can be more effectively managed and delivered to meet public and government needs Investment and development needs and strategies for critical datasets can be effectively described and supported Sound data management practices can easily be shared across Themes 9

10 Things to Keep in Mind Portfolio based management is new and agencies will likely need to consider new approaches to managing certain data assets Agencies will need to collaborate with other agencies regarding data integration, documentation, access, etc. We will all need to be flexible as we gain experience with this approach 10

11 Proposed Implementation Strategy Diagram Portfolio Management Geospatial Platform - Data (NGDA) - Services - Applications Outputs and Outcomes Incentives Plan Templates NGDA Portfolio A-16 Supplemental Guidance Report Implementation Processes ManagePlan Outreach and Communications Training Tools Messaging Training Data as a Service 11

12 Early Implementation Priorities Develop training materials and templates Educate agency leadership Develop Agency Implementation Plans identifying agency's Theme/Datasets and responsible personnel Complete Portfolio Management pilot(s) Initiate Theme Strategic / Implementation Plans 12

13 Steering Committee Actions Champion the A-16 Supplemental Guidance Implementation Strategy Familiarize yourself and your staff with roles and responsibilities (training available) Endorse and commit to Theme Lead Agency roles Select Themes for piloting processes Develop Agency Implementation Plans 13

14 Cloud Computing – Wetlands Mapper The Wetlands Mapper and data are highly compatible with a Cloud Computing environment Information is publically available Standards, services, metadata, business practices and systems requirements were complete Currently available in the cloud environment Effective October 1, 2011 Fish and Wildlife Service’s Wetlands Mapper is the first geospatial data application to reach an operational Cloud Platform from the Department of Interior Part of the FGDC’s Technology and Architecture Working Group prototype deployment of public geospatial data and service offerings in a Cloud environment 14

15 Metadata Summit FGDC Metadata Summit Thursday, October 27, 2011 – all day USGS Headquarters Building, Reston, Virginia FGDC OS is hosting a one day meeting intended to bring NSDI Stakeholders up to date on International Organization for Standardization (ISO) metadata, identify challenges, and set a course for implementation. The meeting includes: ISO Metadata Standards Status Update Group Discussions: Issues Related to ISO Implementation Group Discussions: Common Solutions to Address Issues Group Discussion: Priorities and Recommendations This is a highly interactive working meeting and participants are expected to contribute to both the discussions and the action items. 15

16 Metadata Summit Attendees should have ISO metadata hands-on knowledge sufficient to effectively contribute toward: The identification of key issues Generation of options for addressing key issues The development strategic solutions Registration information: Participation is limited to 50 attendees, and pre- registration is required. 25 seats will be held for FGDC Member Agencies until October 3. At that point the remaining seats will be released and available for other attendees. 16

17 Metadata Summit A follow-up WebEx meeting will be held to present the results of the Summit and to solicit additional input. Non-Federal participants who are part of the FGDC metadata working group are encouraged to attend. THANKS TO: Federal leads: Jennifer Carlino, USGS; and Vivian Hutchison, USGS Support and expertise: Jaci Mize, NOAA; Lynda Wayne and Gita Urban-Mathieux, FGDC OS 17

18 An annual program to assist the geospatial data community through funding and other resources in implementing the components of the NSDI. Open to State, local and Tribal governments, academia, commercial, and non-profit organizations. Program provides small seed grants to initiate sustainable on-going NSDI implementations. Emphasizes partnerships, collaboration and the leveraging of geospatial resources in achieving its goals. Information at Expected to open for proposal submissions in late October 2011 FY 2012 NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program 18

19 FY 2012 NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program Proposed 2012 Categories Award Amount In-kind Match Number of Awards Approx funding level Category 1: Metadata Trainer and Outreach Assistance $25,00030-50%3$75,000 Category NEW: ISO Geospatial Metadata Standards Implementation $30,00030-50%3$90,000 Category 2: FGDC-endorsed Standards Implementation Training and Outreach $25,00030-50%2$50,000 Category 6: FGDC Standards Development Assistance $25,00030-50%2$50,000 Category 4: Fifty States Initiative: Business Plan Development and Implementation $40,00050%8$320,000 Category NEW: Geospatial Platform Cloud Service Test-bed $15,000100%5$75,000 Category NEW: State Geospatial Platform Data Catalog Registry $7,500- $15,000 50%10-20$150,000 19

20 New Coordination Group Co-Chair As part of its annual cycle, the CG elected a new Co-Chair, effective 9/30/11 Wendy Blake-Coleman, EPA Thank you to Randy Fusaro, Census for her leadership as CG Co-Chair over the past year 20

21 Thank you Questions? 21

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