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Leadership Development Programme Seminar 4

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1 Leadership Development Programme Seminar 4

2 Presenters today Brad Bamfield –07803 133110 –b.bamfield@thesolutionorgainisation. comb.bamfield@thesolutionorgainisation. com Patrick Sullivan –020 8241 0166 – m

3 Today Welcome Review issues from last Seminar using Action Learning Techniques Culture Situational leadership Change management Risk

4 Action Learning Paper What did you get from it? –Personal –Business What are the principles as you see it? What are action learning questions?

5 Action Learning Principles Focus on the original problem or issue you identified. If your thinking has moved on since then no problem just tell us about it. Review what you wanted to do between seminars Review what actually happened Think critically what the outcome was and was it better, worse, different from what you wanted/expected. What could you have done differently that would have influenced the outcome Tell us what you want to do next (Objectives, Strategic) Tell us how you intend to do it (Tactical) Tell us how you will know whet the results are (Measures) You will speak without interruptions or questions from the team.

6 Review of practical exercise Report to group using action learning –In your own Organisation look at your managers (not yourself) –Analyse each member of staff for leadership style & 3 motivational factors –Identify your own leadership style and 3 motivational factors –Leadership matrix self and staff –How do staff see this? The same way? The team will review, and offer help

7 Action Learning Questions Typical AL questions might be: –What result do you want? –How do you feel about this situation? –What could you do differently? –How do you know this? –Can you explain that further? –What is the best possible outcome?

8 The cultural web The Model Stories & myths Routines & rituals Symbols Power StructureSystems

9 Exercise 1 – Culture What culture has your organisation now? How has it changed since we started working together? How do you want it to change in the future? Who are the main stakeholders? What lessons have you learned from introducing changes in the past – not necessarily in your current organisation. What is your action plan or next steps from learning

10 Supporting (A) Coaching (B) Directing (D) Delegating (C) - Directing Behaviour + - Supporting Behaviour + Experienced and capable, but may lack the confidence to go it alone, or the motivation to do it well / quickly (A) Experienced at the job, & comfortable with their own ability to do it well. May even be more skilled than the leader. (C) May have some relevant skills, but won't be able to do the job without help. The task or the situation may be new to them. (B) Generally lacking the specific skills required for the job in hand, and lacks any confidence and / or motivation to tackle it (D) - Commitment + - Competence + Situational Leadership ® after Blanchard and Hersey



13 Blake and Mouton People Task (1,1) (1,9)(9,9) (9.1) (5,5)

14 The accelerating pace of change In a single day in 1999: There was as much world trade as in 1949 There was as much scientific research carried in the world as in the whole of 1960 We made as many phone calls as in the whole of 1983 We sent as many e-mails as in the whole of 1990 George Cox - Director General of the Institute of Directors

15 Exercise Using the 3 scenarios provided What is appropriate style for each scenario and why?

16 The negative curve to major change Feelings Time Emotional Neutral Impassive Anger Realisation Depression Rationalisation Acceptance Denial Negotiation Shock

17 The positive curve to major change Feelings Neutrality Uninformed optimism Informed Pessimism Make a Plan phase Do it phase Monitor and fine tune phase Check-out zone Cop out Anti-climax Optimistic achievement Determination and courage Know what you want phase Time New routine becomes day to day

18 Progress and benefits Availability of skills/support Project management Expectations Commitment Change Momentum Time availability Disruption Implementation Issues Implementing Change

19 External/environment PastFuture Internal/self ResistanceExploration Denial Commitment Reactions to Change

20 Dinosaurs Well Poisoners Good EggsObservers Attitude Energy People Types in Change

21 Indifferent Anti Indecisive Pro Active Support Active Opposition Nurture Seek Missionaries Seek commitment Preach & Convert Isolate High Low Opposition/support map

22 The Seven “Ss” of Change Management Style Structure Strategy Shared Values Staff Skills Systems

23 Leadership in Change Use the work from exercise 1 and work through the detail on the check list.

24 Risk There is Risk in every change process Risk identification and management does not mean risk avoidance To be entrepreneurial we need to be able to accept appropriate risks

25 Risk Process Mind mapping Stakeholder analysis OGSM Method

26 Risk in Change Processes How to Design How to Implementation Who Motivates What happens when it Collapses How to make it Stick

27 Summary of Seminar 4 Review issues from homework Culture Situational leadership Change management Risk

28 Feedback What major conclusion did you draw from today's session? What major questions remain in your mind?

29 Seminar 5 exercise Think about the tools & techniques so far Refer to the web site for information How do today’s issues relate to those you identified pre course? Develop a plan for action Present on your business, what your issues are and your plan The team will review, and offer help in the way described in the action learning techniques paper.

30 Seminar 5 What we will do; –Delegation –Interview techniques –Action learning session run by you

31 1 : 1 Sessions Patrick –David –Mervyn Brad –Matthew Choose your times

32 Next meeting We hope you have enjoyed today We also hope you have learnt something useful Please complete feedback forms Next seminar CitiLodge Hotel Wollaton Street 13th September 1pm to 5 pm

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