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Drama Project Angel Jones March 27, 2009 English Advanced Pd. 7.

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1 Drama Project Angel Jones March 27, 2009 English Advanced Pd. 7

2 Romeo & Juliet  Juliet is the girl who Romeo falls in love with  Romeo is the guys that was banished from Verona  Lady Capulet is Juliet’s mom  Lord Capulet is Juliet’s dad  Tybalt is the guy that Romeo kills  Benvolio is Lord Capulet’s nephew (Juliet’s cousin)  Lord Montague is a enemy of Lord Capulet (Romeo’s mother)  Lady Montague is Romeo mother

3 To me what a monologue is a speech given by just one character. The most common literary examples are in play which is what we always read.

4 Marty  Marty Pillietti  Angie  Thomas  Young man  Aunt Catherine  Forty-year-old  Italian Woman  Bartender  Virginia  Stag  Critic  Young Mother  Mother  Short Girl  Girl/Clara Davis

5 Drama  Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance  The term comes from a Greek word meaning action

6 West Side Story  West Side Story is a musical  By Author Laurents  Set in the New Yorks West Sides /Hell kitchen  The story is about to different teenage groups with ethnic groups and cultural background  A young man by the name of Tony falls in love with a young lady named Maria  Maria is a sister of the Puerto Rican and he Is a gang leader

7 A character that contrast with another Character and so highlights the various Facets of the main characters Personality

8 The act of talking to oneself

9 A preferred piece o writing

10 Oxymoron  Oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two normally contradictory terms open secret, larger half clearly confused, act Naturally

11 Verbal is the contrast between what is Said and what is meant. Dramatic Dramatic Irony is the contrast between What the character thinks to be true And what we know to be true Situational Irony is the contrast between What happens and what was expected

12 Is a figure of speech that makes a reference to Or representation of a place, event Literary work or work of art Ex. I thought as I wiped my Eyes on the corner of my Apron Penelope did this too.

13 Shakespeare’s Plot Tragedy Shakespeare basiclly based he’s stories off And how they began and ended

14 A type of Poetry that doesn’t rhyme

15 Ex. Announcing the characters in as they enter The stage

16 Ex. If I am in the audience and the play director Tells the people in the play to go to the left of The stage they will go to their left and Go to my right

17 Is a dramatic device In which a character speaks top the audience

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