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How do we study people who left behind no written records? E. Napp.

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Presentation on theme: "How do we study people who left behind no written records? E. Napp."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we study people who left behind no written records? E. Napp

2 Sometimes we just have to dig! E. Napp

3 That’s what archaeologists do! E. Napp

4 There are secrets buried deep in the earth. E. Napp

5 Artifacts are objects made by human beings. They can tell us about a people, culture, and society. E. Napp

6 Archaeologists put the pieces of the past together. E. Napp

7 Anthropologists are important too! E. Napp

8 Anthropologists study the origins of man. They study early man. E. Napp

9 Anthropologists discovered that the first humans lived in Africa. E. Napp

10 Louis and Mary Leakey were important anthropologists. They discovered the remains of early humans in the Great Rift Valley in Africa. E. Napp

11 Anthropologists also study different cultures. E. Napp

12 Archaeologists and anthropologists help us have a better picture of early people. E. Napp

13 Finally, a word about historical dating. E. Napp

14 You probably are familiar with B.C. and A.D. B.C. means before Christ. A.D. means Anno Domini or in the year of our Lord. E. Napp

15 So, the calendar that we use in the West is based on the birth of Jesus. But it is important to remember that there are many different religions in the world. So, some people prefer B.C.E. or Before Common Era and C.E. or Common Era. E. Napp

16 So, now we know how we study societies that did not leave behind written records. E. Napp

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