Vocab List 4 Advanced Language Arts. Conjecture A guess or speculation (or the act of guessing) Example: The detective, Sherlock Holmes, solved many cases.

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1 Vocab List 4 Advanced Language Arts

2 Conjecture A guess or speculation (or the act of guessing) Example: The detective, Sherlock Holmes, solved many cases based simply on his conjectures, not on facts.

3 Proportional Having a corresponding or comparable size; in math, it means having the same ratio Example: Spongebob’s feet are not proportional to his body; they are too tiny.

4 Closure A finished feeling or sense of resolution at the end of something Example: The last sentence of the paragraph summarized the essay and gave a sense of closure.

5 Relevant Related or important to the topic at hand Example: Your statement about football is not relevant to our discussion about sentence structure.

6 Irrelevant Not related or of importance to the topic at hand Example: Your statement about football is irrelevant since we are talking about sentence structure.

7 Inconvenience To make something more difficult or cause someone trouble Example: I hope that making an extra stop at the grocery store didn’t inconvenience you and ruin your plans.

8 Obligation A duty or responsibility Example: As your teacher, I have an obligation to help you learn.

9 Valid Logical or reasonable Example: I will not accept your late homework unless you give me a valid reason for not having it.

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