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Core Study – The Love Quiz Hazen and Shaver (1987) “Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process.”

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Presentation on theme: "Core Study – The Love Quiz Hazen and Shaver (1987) “Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Core Study – The Love Quiz Hazen and Shaver (1987) “Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process.”

2 Core Study In Attachment Hazen & Shaver (1987) BAT’s Outline Hazen and Shaver’s survey (E+) Relate this study to Bowlby’s and Behaviourist theories (B+)

3 Over to you … This lesson use the following powerpoint to help you create a fact sheet, storyboard, mind map or poster to outline Hazen and Shaver’s study. We will look at each other’s work and judge which is best and why Good examples will have.. Sections for each part of the study Criticisms of the study Relevant images, eye catching/memorable

4 Aim Hazen & Shaver wanted to show that the type of attachment that a person had in infancy had an effect on the type of romantic relationships they would form in the future.

5 Hypothesis They predicted that people who had experienced secure attachments in childhood would have more secure romantic relationships that those who had experienced insecure attachments.

6 Method They carried out a survey using a questionnaire. The questionnaire was printed as a ‘love quiz’ in a local American newspaper. the love quiz Click on a sample quiz below

7 Method The questionnaire assessed attachment type in infancy using a checklist. The questionnaire also measured attitudes to people’s most important romantic relationship using multi-choice questions.

8 Method 1200 replies to the ‘love quiz’ questionnaire were sent in. Approximately half of these were analysed.

9 Results 25% 19% 56%

10 Results Anxious Avoidant feared intimacy in romantic relationships were jealous of romantic partners were more likely to report that they got along ok by themselves

11 Results Secure reported friendly, happy romantic relationships were more accepting of their romantic partners had longer romantic relationships on average and were less likely to get divorced

12 Results Insecure Ambivalent more likely to be obsessive in romantic relationship experienced extreme attraction but also extreme jealousy had shortest romantic relationships on average and were most likely to get divorced

13 Conclusion There is an association between attachment type in infancy and the nature of romantic relationships in adult life. Hazen & Shaver’s theory was that early relationships with carers provides a mental template that is then used for future relationships. This means securely attached children tend to go on to have more successful and fulfilling romantic relationships whereas insecure children tend not to.

14 Evaluation The sample was mainly females and all were self-selecting respondents… so findings may not generalise to the rest of the population. Respondents were only asked about their most important romantic relationships… so it may not be representative of others. Relationships were assessed through closed questions… which may have been too simple for something so complex. Respondents were required to recall features of their attachment in childhood… but because its retrospective it may be unreliable. The questions were quite personal… so respondents may have been tempted to lie (especially as they were not traceable) leading to invalid results.

15 Plenary Look at other’s work Good examples will have.. Sections for each part of the study Criticisms of the study Relevant images, eye catching/memorable Which was the best and why? Look at the BATs – what grade do you think you have achieved for the first one?

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