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Where do we find hope? Stories about the triumph of good over evil point to our belief in the existence and power of good. This helps us find meaning.

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Presentation on theme: "Where do we find hope? Stories about the triumph of good over evil point to our belief in the existence and power of good. This helps us find meaning."— Presentation transcript:



3 Where do we find hope? Stories about the triumph of good over evil point to our belief in the existence and power of good. This helps us find meaning in life, even in the most difficult situations. C.S. Lewis’s book The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is one great example of how this hope is expressed in modern life.

4 Jesus’ Resurrection is our hope Jesus’ Passion, Resurrection and Ascension is the foundation of our hope. The Paschal Mystery is the divine act that sets us free from sin and death. This gives us great hope for eternal life with God.

5 Jesus’ Resurrection is our hope Jesus was not simply a good and heroic man. Jesus was Goodness and Love itself at work among us. Christ’s Resurrection assures us of our own resurrection to new life after death. Jesus redefined and redeemed the reality of death.

6 Jesus rose from the dead Mary Magdalene was the first disciple to discover Jesus’ empty tomb. When she ran and told the others, no one could fully understand what had happened. The empty tomb was the first sign of Jesus’ Resurrection and the disciples’ first step toward recognizing what Jesus had been trying to teach them.

7 Mary Magdalene Mary Magdalene is the first disciple to whom the Risen Lord appears. She stands weeping by the empty tomb because she thinks the body of Jesus has been stolen. When Jesus comes to her, she thinks he is the gardener and does not recognize him. Then he calls her by name; and hearing his voice, she recognizes the Risen Christ and immediately embraces her beloved Jesus. The Risen Lord tells her to go and share the Good News of the Resurrection with others.

8 Thomas the Apostle The Risen Lord’s first appearance to the disciples as a group takes place on Easter Sunday evening. However, Thomas the Apostle is absent. When the other disciples tell him the Good News, Thomas refuses to believe until he can touch the Risen Lord’s body for himself. The Risen Lord returns to the disciples again and offers his body to Thomas to touch. Thomas recognizes Jesus. Jesus says, ‘Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe’ (John 20:29).

9 Sharing the peace of Jesus Jesus said to the disciples many times, ‘Peace be with you.’ This comforted them and strengthened their faith so that they could go out and share the Good News with others. The Resurrection gave the disciples great hope and made them bold witnesses of Christ.

10 Jesus is transformed! Christ’s Resurrection was not a return to earthly life…. In his risen body he passes from the state of death to another life beyond time and space. —CCC, no. 646

11 Jesus is transformed! The earthly body of Jesus was changed so much that neither Mary Magdalene nor the disciples on the road to Emmaus recognized him at first.

12 Jesus is transformed! We cannot know the exact nature of the Risen Lord’s body, but we can say that it has become imperishable and immortal; no longer limited by the rules and confines of this world. Jesus’ transformed body was a sign and promise of God’s Kingdom.

13 God promised Salvation Jesus’ Resurrection fulfills God’s promises in the Old Testament and those of Jesus himself during his earthly life. God’s plan of Salvation has been accomplished.

14 Jesus showed us who we were created to be The Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus show us clearly who we are called to be as disciples and what our mission is on earth. Our call is to go out to all the world and share the Good News of Jesus with all people. Our Lord became what we are, that he might bring us to be what he is himself.’ —St. Irenaeus

15 We believe in resurrection Jesus’ Resurrection should fill us with joy because it signals the fulfillment of God’s promises of the Covenant. It gives us the grace to live in right relationship with God, with others and with all of creation.

16 We share in the Paschal Mystery Resurrection and eternal life are not just something to look forward to in the future. This belief shapes how Christians live their lives each day. We show our Christian identity in our efforts to follow Jesus, who is ‘the Way’.

17 The story of Dismas, the Good Thief The Gospel accounts of Jesus’ Crucifixion tell us that two thieves were crucified along with him (see Luke 23:33), whom the tradition of the church has named Gestas and Dismas. Gestas, we are told, mocked Jesus. Dismas, on the other hand, acknowledged his sin and uttered these memorable words, ‘Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom’, to which Jesus replied, ‘Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise’. Even in the last moments of his life, this ‘good thief’ was forgiven and assured of eternal life.

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