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 The first theory to gain public recognition and acceptance, especially in Europe and the Americas.

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Presentation on theme: " The first theory to gain public recognition and acceptance, especially in Europe and the Americas."— Presentation transcript:

1  The first theory to gain public recognition and acceptance, especially in Europe and the Americas.

2  The person whose genius created psychoanalysis.  Born in Freiburg, Austria, in 1856.  As a psychiatrist, he initially used hypnosis as his primary form of treatment.  Was impressed during medical school by how patients who relive painful experiences can work through emotional events suppressed for years.

3  Began using a process called free association to help his patients remember long-forgotten important events and thoughts.  Utilized free association to explore the unconscious minds of his patients.  Began to stress the importance of the unconscious in understanding personality.  Thus was born psychoanalysis.

4  The Freudian view of human nature is dynamic. ◦ The transformation and exchange of energy within the personality drives behavior.  Freud focused his techniques on: ◦ Levels of Consciousness (topographic) ◦ The formation of personality (structural)  Id, Ego, Superego ◦ Psychosexual Development (genetic)  Defense Mechanisms

5  For Freud, human nature can be explained in terms of: ◦ A Conscious Mind ◦ A Preconscious Mind ◦ An Unconscious Mind

6  Attuned to events in the present and an awareness of the outside world.

7  An area between the conscious mind and unconscious minds; it contains aspects of both.  Hidden memories or forgotten experiences can be remembered in this area if given the proper cues.

8  Beneath the preconscious mind.  The most powerful and least understood part of the personality.  The instinctual, repressed, and powerful forces of the personality exist here.

9  Freud hypothesized that the personality is formed from the interaction of three developing strucutres. ◦ The Id – confined to the unconscious ◦ The Ego – operates primarily in the conscious but also in the preconscious and the unconscious. ◦ The Superego – confined to the unconscious.

10  The id is the source of all energy.  Comprises the basic inherited givens of the personality and is present from birth.  It is amoral, impulsive, and irrational.  Pleasure principle – it pursues what it wants because it cannot tolerate tension.

11  The id contains: ◦ Basic life energy and life-preserving instincts collectively known as eros. ◦ The psychic energy that accompanies them known as libido. ◦ Basic death instincts known as thanatos.

12  Operates through drives, instincts, and images (e.g. dreaming, hallucinating, and fantasizing) – a process known as primary process.  May bring temporary relief but ultimately unsatisfying.

13  The second system to develop after the id and before the superego.  A strong ego is essential to healthy functioning.  Moderates the wishes and desires of the id and superego to keep the person from being too self-indulgent or too morally restrained.  Reality principle – it devises ways to achieve appropriate goals, obtain energy for activities from the id, and keep the person in harmony with the environment.

14  The ego’s way of thinking is known as the secondary process.  Rationally thinking through situations.

15  It is the moral branch of the mind and operates according to what is ideal.  Contrasts with the id.  Functions according to the moral principle – strives for perfection and arises from parental & societal moral teachings.

16  Ego Ideal – rewards those who follow parental and societal dictates.  Conscience – part of the superego that punishes by inducing guilt when you act against what you have been taught.  By striving for perfection, the superego sometimes forces a person into restrained or no action when facing a dilemma.

17  Freud hypothesized that personality developed through a sequence or invariant stages. Most development occurs prior to age 6. ◦ Oral stage ◦ Anal stage ◦ Phallic stage ◦ Latency stage ◦ Genital stage  Stages based on the location of id energy ◦ Appropriate gratification is key to healthy development ◦ Overindulgence or deprivation leads to fixation (id energy gets stuck)

18  The first stage. ◦ Oral incorporative ◦ Oral aggressive  Children up to 18 months.  Obtain basic gratification from sucking and biting.

19  The second stage.  Children between the ages of 18 months ang 3  Delight in either withholding or eliminating feces.  First really significant conflict between the child’s internal instincts and external demands.

20  The third stage.  Children between the ages of 3 and 5 attempt to resolve their sexual identities.  Members of both sexes must work through their sexual desires.  Oedipus Complex / Electra Complex  Freud thought that the basic ingredients of the adult personality had formed by the end of this stage.

21  Oedipus Complex – a boy must work through a desire to possess his mother sexually. ◦ Castration anxiety  Electra Complex – a girl blames her mother for the fact that she has no penis. ◦ Penis envy

22  Children between the ages of 6 and 12.  Energy is focused on peer activities and personal mastery of cognitive and learning and physical skills.  Little manifest interest in sexuality.

23  The fourth and final stage.  If all has gone well, around puberty each gender takes more of an interest in the other and normal patterns of interaction appear.  If there were unresolved difficulties in the first three stages (pregenital stages), Freud believed two difficulties could arise: ◦ Excessive frustration ◦ Overindulgence

24  Protect a person from being overwhelmed by anxiety through adaptation to situations or through distortion or denial of events.  Are normal and operate on an unconscious level.  Fixation at different stages can result in different patterns of usage and emphasis

25  Repression  Projection  Reaction Formation  Displacement  Regression  Rationalization  Denial  Identification

26  Working alliance ◦ Rational non-neurotic part  Neutrality is key ◦ Therapist is the expert ◦ Nonjudgmental stance ◦ Little self-disclosure  Transference ◦ Most important aspect  Countertransference

27 CLIENTS EXPERIENCE  Meet several times a week for years  Agree to be active, talk  Commit to interventions  Terminate when problem is resolved  Gain insight into self and environment

28  Change Processes ◦ Consciousness raising  Insight ◦ Catharsis – corrective emotional experience  Techniques ◦ Free association ◦ Dream Analysis ◦ Analysis of Transference ◦ Analysis of Resistance ◦ Interpretation ◦ Working through

29  Help clients become more aware of the unconscious aspects of their personalities. ◦ Make the unconscious conscious  Work through unresolved developmental stages.  Cope with the demands of society.  Engage more maturely in love and work ◦ Increase expression of genital personality

30  Emphasizes importance of sexuality and unconscious.  Reflects complexity of human nature.  Has developed over years, not stagnated.  Stresses importance of developmental growth stages. Comprehensive personality theory.  Transference/Counter transference  Defense mechanisms  Learning from personal past

31  Time consuming and expensive.  Difficulty with older clients.  Claimed almost exclusively by psychiatry.  Overly complicated terminology.  Deterministic.  Requires much therapist training  Therapist in control/charge of session  Not much focus on behavior/cognition

32 MODERN PSYCHOANALYTICALLY ORIENTED THERAPISTS  No couch  Fewer sessions  More self-disclosure by therapist  More work with ‘real’ issues than projected material and dreams

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