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Kelly Sullivan Esq. By: Angela Martinez, Annelys Gonzalez, Melissa Chhat, and Ramon Heredia Venture Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Kelly Sullivan Esq. By: Angela Martinez, Annelys Gonzalez, Melissa Chhat, and Ramon Heredia Venture Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kelly Sullivan Esq. By: Angela Martinez, Annelys Gonzalez, Melissa Chhat, and Ramon Heredia Venture Project.

2 Goals  Our main goal is to create a professional website that Ms.Sullivan’s clients and future clients will be able to receive information on her areas of practice.  We want to make a website for Ms. Sullivan’s clients that would be easy to work with. We wanted the website to be simple enough for people to find what they want.

3 Why  Ms. Sullivan is in need of a website.  She has had past clients who have asked her about her website and she did not have one.  Now she does have a website and she can tell her clients and future clients to look at it.  People can now know what her areas of practice are.

4 Customer  Our customer is Ms. Kelly Sullivan Esq.  She is a lawyer who has many areas of practice.  We will measure our website by how the colors contrast to each other, if it’s easy to work with and if the navigation good and if everything she wanted is in it.

5 What We Have Done  We have made the template of the website.  We have added her contact information.  We have all of her areas of practice as links that follows with information about that certain area.  We also need to add a brief summary about Ms. Sullivan.

6 The Benefits  Being part of this project has helped us become more of a leader. It taught us how it’s ok to ask your team for help and not try to do everything ourselves.  We also became more intelligent business wise by interviewing our clients and being in contact with businessmen.  Our technical director also learned more about technology.

7 Our Teammates  Our leader, Annelys, keeps everyone in control and keeps everyone on task.  Out technical director, Melissa, creates the web site and keeps in touch with our client Ms. Sullivan.  Our recorder, Angela, keeps track of what we have been doing and has to be done.  Our time keeper, Ramon, keeps track on how long it took us to make the web site and how much time we have left. He also schedules meetings and times we will get together to finish our web site.

8 Who We Are Targeting  Her target audience is people in need of help and want an attorney they can trust.  Ms. Sullivan’s clients are usually people who have family issues they want to resolve and people who have social security problems.  She also helps the elderly and several other audiences.

9 How It Looks Like  We want the website to look simple and understanding.  We want them to be able to find what they are looking for without any trouble.  We created the web site with a mind set of a person who doesn’t use technology a lot.

10 What’s Included In The Website  The index page includes a banner of Ms. Sullivan.  We also have links of her areas of practice.  On the right side of the web site includes her contact information.  We made her web site very simple and appealing.

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