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(Body Analysis) 1ST of 3 MODULES By MDTalja. Do I NEED it?Will I BENEFIT from it? Is it a PRACTICAL choice?

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Presentation on theme: "(Body Analysis) 1ST of 3 MODULES By MDTalja. Do I NEED it?Will I BENEFIT from it? Is it a PRACTICAL choice?"— Presentation transcript:

1 (Body Analysis) 1ST of 3 MODULES By MDTalja

2 Do I NEED it?Will I BENEFIT from it? Is it a PRACTICAL choice?

3 Before the customer will decide to take the products, he first has to be convinced as to the products’:  NECESSITY : showing him that he has a HEALTH PROBLEM, if he does not know it yet; or EXACTLY WHAT his problem is, if he knows he has a health problem  BENEFITS : M-W-F or Cellular Nutrition or Healthy Breakfast ‘personalized program’ – program may be tailored to fit his lifestyle  PRACTICABILITY : Convenience with Shake+ Value of health However, the evaluation may vary as to the situation/setting and time allotment. And also, on the apparatus used for the evaluation: Tanita Scale Weighing Scale with LPE BMI and Waist:Hip computation

4 This “HOW TO DO WELLNESS EVALUATION” training, is in 3 PARTS: Module 1 : Informs NEED Module 2 : Explains BENEFITS Module 3 : PRACTICABILITY


6 1. Get the following personal data (by making the prospect fill up the form): Name, Contact Number Age and Gender Height Preconditions: Had medical/surgical history? Alcoholic/Smoker? Been previously dieting?

7 2. Use Tanita Scale to get the ff. primary data: WeightFat % Visceral Fat CountBone Mass RMR (in Cal.)Metabolic Age Muscle MassWater% Physique Rating

8 3. Compute for the ff data (while sample may be prepared): Excess Weight/Deficient Weight Timetable for the Program (based on 5lbs weight loss per month – NO OVERPROMISE please) a. Maximum b. Minimum Kg equivalent of Total weight and Fat (for better visualization), ex:.40x200 lbs /2.2= 36.6 kg of fat you carry everyday more than half a sack of rice.

9 4. Interpret: (note: explain using second person pronoun: “you”, and “the program” as reference…not “the shake”) A. “Ma’am/Sir, Your present weight is ______________. Of your weight, _(fat percentage)__ is fat. Based on the Body Fat Index, your fat content is : Excellent: you have the healthy/ideal amount of fat Good:BODY FAT amount is OK Medium:Body fat is already SLIGHTLY EXCESSIVE BAD:Body Fat amount is ‘ALARMING’; body is definitely under stress Below Excellent:Body fat is too little – “unhealthy”; you need a specific amount to maintain body temp. and allow absorption of fat soluble vitamins

10 B. Now, the FAT inside you, goes to 2 areas: to the skin….and thus you have Subcutaneous FAT…… and to the trunk which becomes the VISCERAL FAT. Your VISCERAL FAT INDEX is: 1-4: Excellent- “this is the ideal” 5-8: Good – “pwede na” 9-11: Medium- “there’s a slight excess already” 12 & up: BAD- “alarming”: your organs in the mid area are entirely covered with FAT; this leads to cholesterol/ triglyceride problems, fatty liver problems, and so on…

11 “You need to lose/gain/maintain weight… Let’s look at your recommended weight…. This means your target is to lose/gain/maintain ____lbs…. The min. average weight loss/gain is 5 lbs. a month…It will take you a minimum of ___ months to lose this. But if we enhance/upgrade your program, this will take only ___months. For a healthy weight program, there are conditions though: 1. you must maintain appropriate WATER INTAKE; You need to drink 3 liters of water every day. The healthy water percentage is between 50 to 60%. It says here that you are at ____% 2. You must make sure you are getting your required daily nutrients. Because if you do, the muscle mass and the metabolic rate will not decrease. Thus, YOU NEED PROPER NUTRITION.

12 At the metabolic rate you are presently going, your body is functioning like a (Metabolic age) years old. If you want to improve your health, we have a program just for you.”….. 5. Suggest a Program: WLP: min. of 2 MRs and 1 solid meal WGP: 3 solid meals + min. of 3 Meal Additions WMP: min. of 1 MR

13 Learn to explain the benefits: MWF Healthy Breakfast Cellular Nutrition And to ensure customer gets desired weight targets, make a “personalized program

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