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Controllers ENGIN 341 – Advanced Digital Design University of Massachusetts Boston Department of Engineering Dr. Filip Cuckov.

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Presentation on theme: "Controllers ENGIN 341 – Advanced Digital Design University of Massachusetts Boston Department of Engineering Dr. Filip Cuckov."— Presentation transcript:

1 Controllers ENGIN 341 – Advanced Digital Design University of Massachusetts Boston Department of Engineering Dr. Filip Cuckov

2 Overview 1.Algorithmic State Machines 2.Microprogrammed Controllers

3 1. Algorithmic State Machines (ASM)

4 ASM – Parallel vs. Serial Form =

5 ASM Examples ==

6 Finite State Machine (FSM) to ASM

7 Shift and Add Multiplier Example (Algorithm)

8 Shift and Add Multiplier Example (FSM)

9 Shift and Add Multiplier Example (Counter)

10 Shift and Add Multiplier Example (ASM)

11 Shift and Add Multiplier Example (VHDL)

12 State Machine Factorization using Inter-Process Communication

13 State Machine VHDL Formalism VHDL implementation must include at least 3 processes: 1.State Register (CLK) 2.NS Calc. (PS, Inputs) 3.Outputs Calculation Moore Outputs (PS) Mealy Outputs (PS, Inputs) Fourth Process for Sync. Mealy 4. Output Register (CLK)

14 Moore-Type Machine VHDL Implementation library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity MooreSM is generic(N : integer := 3); port( clk, rst : in std_logic; inputs : in std_logic_vector(N downto 0); outputs : out std_logic_vector(N downto 0) ); end entity MooreSM; architecture Behavioral of MooreSM is type state_type is (Start, State1, State2); signal PS, NS : state_type; begin State_Reg : process(clk, rst) is begin if rst = '1' then PS <= Start; elsif clk'event and clk = '1' then PS <= NS; end if; end process State_Reg; NS_Calc : process(PS, inputs) is begin case PS is when Start => NS <= State1; when State1 => if inputs = "0110" then NS <= State2; else NS <= State1; end if; when State2 => NS <= Start; end case; end process NS_Calc; Moore_out : process(PS) is begin case PS is when Start => outputs <= "0000"; when State1 => outputs <= "0110"; when State2 => outputs <= "1001"; end case; end process Moore_out; end architecture Behavioral;

15 Mealy-Type Machine VHDL Implementation library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity MealySM is port( clk, rst : in std_logic; A_i, B_i : in std_logic; Y_o, Z_o : out std_logic ); end entity MealySM; architecture Behavioral of MealySM is signal PS, NS : integer range 0 to 2; begin State_Reg : process(rst, clk) is begin if rst = '1' then PS <= 0; elsif rising_edge(clk) then PS <= NS; end if; end process State_Reg; NS_calc : process(PS, A_i, B_i) is begin case PS is when 0 => NS <= 1; when 1 => if (A_i and B_i) = '1' then NS <= 1; else NS <= 2; end if; when 2 => NS <= 0; end case; end process NS_calc; Mealy_out : process(PS, A_i, B_i) is begin Y_o <= '0'; Z_o <= '0'; case PS is when 0 => null; when 1 => if (A_i and B_i) = '1' then Y_o <= '1'; else Z_o <= '1'; end if; when 2 => null; end case; end process Mealy_out; end architecture Behavioral;

16 2. Microprogrammed Controllers Single Qualifier – Dual Transition Meaning only one Boolean check per state is allowed. Still Single Qualifier – Dual Transition, but NSF assumed to be next in sequence in ROM

17 Microprogrammed Controllers ASM Adjust Mealy to Moore Simplification

18 Microprogrammed Controllers

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