Short Breaks Provider Forum Welcome Please sign in on our register Help yourself to coffee and tea (outside the hall) Find a seat anywhere Talk to other.

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Presentation on theme: "Short Breaks Provider Forum Welcome Please sign in on our register Help yourself to coffee and tea (outside the hall) Find a seat anywhere Talk to other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short Breaks Provider Forum Welcome Please sign in on our register Help yourself to coffee and tea (outside the hall) Find a seat anywhere Talk to other people!

2 Welcome Short Breaks Providers Forum November 2014 Plan for today & breaks Learning & development workshops Short breaks activities public consultation


4 9.30am - 3.30pm 26 November 2014 The Plaza, Havant

5 9.30am – 3.30pm 11 February 2015 Alton Maltings Centre

6 An intro to learning disability An intro to communication and learning disability An intro to autism Conversations with Parents/Carers and general disability awareness Practical Inclusion Makaton – 2 hour taster, 1 day, 2 days



9 Short breaks activities public consultation consultation.htm 01962 846370

10 Open until 12 th December Open to ALL – activity providers, parents/carers, children/young people, public and professionals YOUR VIEWS ARE IMPORTANT Short breaks activities public consultation

11 Short breaks activities public consultation Additional work with children & young people with disabilities Independent advocacy organisations Spending time with various short breaks activities/groups, pupil forums

12 Discussion with Hampshire Parent / Carer Network reps Your feedback from the June Provider forum Work with advocacy organisations Children and Young People Select Committee The Short Breaks Project team Information about Gateway card holders and usage Planning the consultation

13 Hampshire are proud of the Short Breaks programme, where we have all worked as partners to improve the opportunities available to disabled children, and the chance for families to take a break Previous savings programmes have bypassed our programme but we cannot guarantee that this time

14 Short breaks activities – the budget context Proposed budget reduction is £1.85 million Total Children with Disabilities budget is £19.7m for this year

15 HCC or an external partner? The service could continue to run ‘in-house’, or could be managed by someone else, like a voluntary organisation.

16 Decision-making about grants Involvement of local people in decisions about their services, and using their local knowledge What is practical/workable/effective when less money is in budget? How would your area fit into 2,4 or 8 grant panels?

17 Children’s Access to Short breaks Limit/Cap on the number of hours or sessions – how much & how to manage this? Increase charges to parents? Only offer short breaks to children aged between 5 and 18?

18 Children’s Access to Short breaks Family Self Assessment - a checklist with various factors, updated annually? Only children eligible for the Disabled Children’s team (specialist social work service) can access breaks? Money given to families as a direct payment

19 The Community Buddy scheme For 7-19 year-olds to do a leisure activity they choose e.g. cinema, the park. Should the Buddy scheme continue? Who should manage it? How would a limit of 3,6 or 9 hours per month work? Should the age range change?

20 Support For Individuals Supports inclusion for children 0-19 to join in mainstream activities – pays for disability-specific resources/training, or support person – e.g. dance class, Scouts/Brownies, helper in swimming lesson Should Support for individuals continue? Who should manage it? Should support be time-limited, or have a maximum funding amount?

21 Children and Young People Select Committee Comprising County Councillors Task and Finish Group 9 Recommendations

22 Timescales & future funding Councillor Decision Day – Wednesday 21 st January HCC or a partner? Large grants – shorter application time end of January to mid-February Smaller grants – March onwards Please check & read grant guidance notes, as these will

23 Thank you for coming Open until 12 th December


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