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Remuneration and Giving Task Team Report Outline.

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Presentation on theme: "Remuneration and Giving Task Team Report Outline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Remuneration and Giving Task Team Report Outline

2 Report Format Background and Introduction Analysis of problem and status quo – Comparative information in terms of other Diocese- what do clergy in other diocese gets paid – Comparative information on regional archdeaconry giving – Setting out on stipends- comparisons to other denominations - information on secular world remuneration packaging and pro’s and cons of each- look at teaching also – Differences and organisations that run other similar models – Comparisons to other denominations – We are in the world but not of it Proposed solutions and options- pro’s and cons Recommendations Conclusions

3 Executive Summary Background- Synod Resolution investigate Remuneration and Giving Outcome of Feedback Conference in October: – Looking at getting agreement in terms of principles REMUNERATION Salaries range between 14k and 43k CTC pm – This if for full time stipendiary priests only – We suspect that other allowances are being paid but not always properly declared (or taxed) Challenges – Need for good clergy in all parishes – Affordability – Discontent – Attraction and retention of clergy – Current model not sustainable- not enough income for everybody Is there a need for change?

4 Executive Summary Principles Remuneration – Equal pay for work of equal value – Transparency – All declared and formal- taxed – Benchmarking – Model remuneration – Formal appraisal of clergy and parishes – Incremental improvement

5 Executive Summary Giving – Income disparities – Disparities giving ranges 0 and 24% – Biblical principle in terms of giving – Belong to a wider church – Ideal to move to a flat % that includes remuneration- proposed 45- 50% – Include clergy costs to giving levels already on average above 40% – % increase year on year – Incremental implementation

6 Executive Summary – 2% better in two years – Where you are above 15% maintain or improve current giving percentage – Establishment of an equalisation fund

7 Questions to be considered Remuneration Principles – The principle of equal pay for work of equal value is being mooted in terms of addressing our social challenges and is now the legislated standard. As church do we want to lead by example in terms of implementing this standard? For e.g. do we want to work on the notion that “all priests do substantially the same work” and therefore should be paid the same amount or do we want a system that takes account of different situations and different qualifications and experience. Additional information: We already live with the reality of discrepancy in levels of remuneration. We are also aware that some parishes cannot afford to pay more than they currently are but what we are asking you to do is to agree the principle. We will discuss the mechanism for redress separately.

8 Questions Having accepted the principle, this now implies certain next steps. Do we want to have clergy and parishes formally appraised?

9 Questions How do we get all parishes and parishioners to pay all payments and allowance through the Diocesan Office? ALL income, regardless of source and reason must be declared and paid to the church and disbursed through the Diocese.

10 Solutions Equalisation Fund Sources of revenue to the fund Other issues Model of churches- how many do we need? What is the model of the church we want? How do we manage or respond to this?

11 Outcomes Remuneration – Principles equal pay for work of equal value – Remuneration models- completely transparent and must be reported – Scales – Performance Assessment – Inequalities incremental basis 16k to 43k CTC included assessment of allowances stipendiary Pay gaps model ito minimum std Giving

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