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Parish Share and Common Fund. Where does our Parish Share go ? The Parish Share of just under 500 parishes Amounted to £9.5 million (2014 Budget) Other.

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Presentation on theme: "Parish Share and Common Fund. Where does our Parish Share go ? The Parish Share of just under 500 parishes Amounted to £9.5 million (2014 Budget) Other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parish Share and Common Fund

2 Where does our Parish Share go ? The Parish Share of just under 500 parishes Amounted to £9.5 million (2014 Budget) Other income (fees, investment income etc. took the total for our diocese to £11.7 million (2014 Budget)

3 Cost of Parochial Ministry Of the £9.5m Parish Share, the majority is spent directly on clergy costs which are as follows: £m Clergy Stipends & ALM Salaries4.9 Clergy & ALM NI & Pensions 2.0 Clergy Housing1.5 Clergy Removals & Other0.3 Total8.7 The remainder goes towards other costs in the budget, including National Church Costs and Mission and Ministry Support

4 The Common Fund A fund in which every parish shares A contribution to the cost of providing ministry... Not just in ‘our parish’ But in every parish  Rich or poor  Urban or rural  Confident or struggling

5 The Current Situation Declining membership across diocese Many small church congregations, struggling to cover operational costs But some individual signs of growth

6 The Common Fund Various factors decide your Parish Share …at a diocesan level:  Change in Common Fund  Changes in overall membership in the diocese and in socio- economic categories  Number of capped parishes …and at a parish level:  Number church members and category within your particular parish

7 The Common Fund Chosen from a scale of A-G, where A. is for parishes most favourably placed G. is for parishes least favourably placed “Our Church membership is... your Church membership’s ability to pay...... compared to others in the diocese...

8 Church Membership Defined as the number of adults attending at least once weekly, less new members An average figure over the last three years is used to calculate parish share Can not alter after parish share has been set, therefore important to get right Every year, a few parishes are very slow in returning their forms. Membership this year around 22,150 (25,276 just five years ago)

9 Calculation of Parish Share Payable Parish share per person in your chosen socio-economic category x average membership over last three years as defined on the form Increases and decreases year-on-year will be capped Leavers are taken out of the calculation at once

10 Common Fund – discounts! Parishes which pay their Parish Share either by direct debit or by CBF standing order receive a discount. For 2014 1.5% discount for full payment by 20 January or 0.3% for 12 monthly payments Full details available on request.

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