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Webinar: A Headteacher's Guide to Performance Management with PRP ------------------------ Presented by Josephine Smith.

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1 Webinar: A Headteacher's Guide to Performance Management with PRP ------------------------ Presented by Josephine Smith

2 Key Preparation for this year’s PM reviews: Have you read this DfE update? (August 2014) revising-school-teachers-pay It will help you with: o implementing changes in the 2014 school teachers’ pay and conditions document2014 school teachers’ pay and conditions document o setting school leaders’ pay o performance-related pay progression o meeting your equalities responsibilities o using appropriate evidence when making appraisal and pay decisions o managing pay decision appeals

3 Key Preparation for this year’s PM reviews: Headteachers will need to set out what it is they will take into account in making judgements about whether teachers have met their objectives and the relevant standards. This might include: impact on pupil progress impact on wider outcomes for pupils improvements in specific elements of practice, such as behaviour management or lesson planning impact on effectiveness of teachers or other staff wider contribution to the work of the school.

4 Key Preparation for this year’s PM reviews: Assessment may be based on evidence from a range of sources: o Self assessment o Lesson observation feedback o Pupil outcomes o Peer review o Parental and/or pupil feedback You must make it clear to staff how this evidence will be collected and used in an objective way to make pay progression judgments

5 Key Preparation for this year’s PM reviews: o Pay Policy o Appraisal policy o Paperwork o Appraisal pairings o Deadlines

6 Involve your team o School Business Manager o Deputy/School Leader i/c Appraisal o Staff

7 Tackling the difficult conversations o Appeals process (see next slide) o Equalities responsibilities ( good advice in the DfE guidance) o Importance of training your appraisers

8 Managing Appeals against Pay Determination Teachers have the right to raise formal appeals against pay determinations if, for example, they believe that the person or committee by whom the decision was made: o ( a) incorrectly applied the school’s pay policy o (b) incorrectly applied any provision of the STPCD o (c) failed to have proper regard to statutory guidance o (d) failed to take proper account of relevant evidence o (e) took account of irrelevant or inaccurate evidence o (f) was biased or o (g) unlawfully discriminated against the teacher. Ensure you lay out the process in your policy

9 Leading practitioner roles Schools can make appointments to leading practitioner roles paid above the upper pay range o From 1 September 2013 schools have been able to create these posts whose primary purpose is the modelling and leading improvement of teaching skills and that are paid above the maximum of the upper pay range. o The pay range for leading practitioners is a wide one. Schools need to determine an individual post range for each post within the minimum and maximum of the overall range which is set out in paragraph 16.3 of the STPCD 2014.

10 Governing body’s role o Hear recommendations from the Headteacher as part of the annual cycle or appraisal o Action pay determinations o Be part of appeals processes as outlined in school policy if necessary o Ensure policies are in place and reviewed

11 Reviewing the process o Think about how you might like to do this? o Good evidence that your hard work over the past 2 years is working and can show you where to make refinements to your policy or process.

12 Expecting Ofsted soon? Links to inspection The Ofsted inspection handbook makes clear that there should be a strong link between appraisal and salary progression and that this should be considered as part of the judgement on the quality of leadership and management of the school.Ofsted inspection handbook Inspectors are advised that they should look for information about patterns of progression through the different salary ranges and compare this with the overall quality of teaching to determine whether there is a correlation, and if there is none, to find out why.

13 Expecting Ofsted soon? In practice this means that when Ofsted comes it will ask for anonymised information from the last three years which shows the proportions of teachers who have: progressed along the main pay range progressed to, and along, the upper pay range progressed along the leadership range received additional responsibility payments, such as Teaching and Learning Responsibility (TLR) payments and Special Educational Needs (SEN) allowances. The information provided should include information about patterns of progression and comparisons between subject departments and/or teachers deployed in different key stages. You would do well to ensure that your governing body receives and has an opportunity to interrogate this information as part of the annual process.

14 XX Academy Summary of performance management data 2013/14 Staff on the main pay scale (MPS) Number of staff on the MPS Percentage of staff whose teaching is good or better Percentage of staff who met performance management targets last year 16100%94% Staff on the leadership pay scale Number of staff on the leadership pay scale Percentage performance management targets met last year 3 75% met, 12.5% carried forward (target set over 2 years), 12.50% partially met

15 Number of staff who passed into the UPS two years ago/last year 5 Percentage of staff who passed into the UPS in the last two years who teach good or better lessons 80% one part time member of staff experiencing current difficulties Percentage of staff who progressed through threshold this year/last year 14% Percentage of staff who did not progress through threshold this year/last year 1.6% Percentage of staff on the MPS 1-3 or unqualified 12% Percentage of staff on the MPS 4-6 17% Percentage of staff on the UPS 64% Percentage of staff on the leadership pay scale 7% Percentage performance management targets met across whole staff over the last year 82% of all targets met, 10% of targets partly met, 8% of targets not met Percentage of staff whose teaching is good or better 85%

16 In summary – your job is to.... o Ensure all teachers are informed of the policies and that they, and appraisers, have the knowledge and skills to apply procedures fairly o Ensure teachers are appraised in accordance with the school’s appraisal policy and the relevant regulations. o Put pay recommendations to the governing body and ensure they have sufficient information upon which to make their decisions. o Maintain records of decisions and recommendations made, demonstrating that all decisions are made objectively, fairly and in compliance with equalities legislation. o Keep teachers informed about the process, recommendations made and decision reached o Budget for pay increases as part of your overall budgetary responsibility

17 You might also be interested to read more about... How Governing bodies can now make use of a simplified framework for leadership pay and how there is greater autonomy for schools to set leadership pay in the light of the school size, context and challenge.

18 Webinar Questions & Answers --------------------------------------------------

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